10 Quotes That Remind Us How Much We Miss (& LOVE!) Robin Williams
He was a lot more than a just a comedian — he made a real difference in the world.

Whether you were a fan of his work on Mork & Mindy or obsessed with Disney’s Aladdin (wasn't everyone?!), you’re probably missing the late comic extraordinaire Robin Williams. Sadly, today, August 11th marks the two year anniversary of his death.
I remember when I first heard that Robin Williams had passed, and had taken his own life, I was completely devastated. Not only as an admirer of all the tremendous good he added to the world, but because depression had won again.
His widow, Susan Schneider, later came out publicly that a rarely talked about disease called Lewy Body Dementia had ultimately killed her husband. According to the website for The Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBD), “LBD is not a rare disease. It affects an estimated 1.4 million individuals and their families in the United States. Because LBD symptoms can closely resemble other more commonly known diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, it is currently widely under diagnosed."
If anything good can come out of Robin William’s death — and I use the term “good” extremely loosely — it’s that mental health and LBD were brought to the forefront of the media, showering light on important diseases that affect far too many people.
As someone who suffers from depression, I can’t imagine having to hide it when your main job not only throws you into the spotlight, but it's also to make people laugh. It’s an excruciatingly painful disease that doesn’t discriminate between rich, poor, white, black, right handed or left handed. Just because Robin Williams had what appeared to be the perfect life to others, doesn’t mean he was living one.
Whatever demons were haunting him, it doesn’t matter; we miss him dearly.
In honor of Robin Williams, here are some of his most famous quotes. Here’s to you Robin, oh captain, my captain! Rest in peace.
If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.
1.Robin Williams changed our world for the better.
"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." — Robin Williams
2.Aren't we all just a little mad?
"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." — Robin Williams
3.Good things take time (unless you're born that way.)
"Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some get it as a graduation gift." — Robin Williams
4.Simplicity at its finest.
"There's three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer." — Robin Williams
5.Laughter is ALWAYS a great thing.
"If Heaven exists, to know that there's laughter, that would be a great thing." — Robin Williams
6.If that's the case, I have no problem waiting!
"Death is nature's way of saying, "Your table's ready." — Robin Williams
7.Oh, how we love and miss you!
"Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself." — Robin Williams
8.If we could only have taken away your pain, Robin!
"I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that." — Robin Williams
9.Well, it's true!
"A woman would never make a nuclear bomb. They would never make a weapon that kills. They'd make a weapon that makes you feel bad for a while." — Robin Williams
10.OK! So this isn't a direct quote from Robin Williams, but how awesome would this be? We miss you, Robin!
"So if in 2040 Robin Williams suddenly reappears again, we know he was just trapped in a board game the whole time." — Unknown