This Is What Zach From 'School Of Rock' Looks Like Now
Plus, what he's been up to all these years.

We all remember School of Rock, where the main character, Dewey, gets kicked out of his rock band. He then becomes a substitute teacher and decides to create a rock band full of his students who attend a private elementary school. Jack Black killed it in his role as Dewey, but the movie wouldn't have been as good without so many awesome child actors.
Music helped many of the kids express themselves and come out of their shell. For example, there was Tomika, who was fairly quiet and insecure. But when the time came she had the voice of a diva.
And then, there was Zach. "Zach Attack" was the lead guitarist of the group. He was also scared of disappointing his father.
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Believe it or not, it has been 13 years since the movies was released. So what does Zach, played by Joey Gaydos Jr., look like now?
The answer is more like a scruffy rock star.
Photo: MoviePilot
He has also kept in touch with the other cast members like Rebecca Brown, who played Katie.
Photo: Instagram
The child actor didn't go on to be in anymore movies, but he hasn't given up on his music career. He's now a songwriter, producer and musician. He has also stuck with the guitar and posts videos of himself playing from time to time.
Now I feel — Joey Gaydos Jr. (@JoeyGaydosJr) June 4, 2016
Gaydos Jr. looks like he's doing great now, but he hasn't had a smooth road after the movie. He made headlines back in 2009 for being arrested for a DUI in Michigan while he was still underage. Fortunately, he has since kept out of trouble.
Photo: Instagram
The movie has now become a musical on Broadway. The movie cast also had a reunion ten years ago. Hopefully, we will still be able catch some of the original cast again in some other format!
Nicole Weaver is a love and entertainment writer.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on September 19, 2016 and was updated with the latest information.