How He Shows You He Loves You, Based On His Zodiac Sign
What each zodiac sign means when they say, "I love you."

Saying "I love you" is a big step in a relationship. Some people have no problem saying it while others cringe at the thought of saying those three little words.
Many times, though, we say 'I love you' with our actions instead of words. We don't always have to verbalize our feelings and sometimes, this makes it all the more special.
Each zodiac sign says "I love you" in a different way, which (of course) is confusing if you don't know what to look or listen for — especially if you are the type of person who over-analyzes everything (I know I'm guilty). You never want to feel like you are suffocating your man or acting like you don't care.
This guide is perfect for the person who wants to know if he says what he means, even if he isn't saying those three little words exactly.
How he says 'I love you,' based on his zodiac sign
How an Aries man says 'I love you'
Ruled by Mars, Aries is a fire sign.
Aries is straightforward in nearly everything they do and love is no exception. They approach every situation with logic, so if they outright tell you that they love you, it's coming from a very deep place.
If they aren't straight up saying "I love you," they're joking around with you. They love having a significant other who can keep up with their playful teasing.
When they aren't teasing you, Aries is sending you good morning texts; their favorite way to show they care for you a lot.
How a Taurus man says 'I love you'
If there is one thing Taurus loves more than food, it's passionate love. Taurus is a sucker for love and they are known for falling fast.
If you're ever confused as to whether he loves you or not, pay attention to his actions.
Taurus enjoys the traditional side of love, which means being the one to pay for everything (and refusing to listen to you whenever you try to do it) or simply holding the door open for you.
They'll even (grudgingly) share their food with you, which they normally don't do, but for their boo, there's always an extra bite they're saving for you.
How a Gemini man says 'I love you'
Gemini shows love in their words without having to actually say "I love you." Gemini can be kind of a flirt, which means you might not be the only one they're texting at first (harsh, but true!).
Being both social creatures and hopeless romantics can be a dangerous combination, but somehow Gemini pulls it off very well.
They can jump from lover to lover fairly quickly, but if you want to really find out if they love you, listen to how their conversation changes when you two talk.
Instead of shallow questions, Gemini will start getting more personal and asking more intimate questions. If a Gemini is really smitten with you, they'll let you rant without interrupting you.
Gemini just loves hearing you talk, honestly.
How a Cancer man says 'I love you'
Of all the zodiac signs, Cancer is the sweetest one.
When a Cancer is looking for love, what they're really looking for is an equal.
Cancer is extremely attracted to someone who can hold their own and have their own ambitions outside of the relationship.
When a Cancer is in love, they get more protective of their significant other. This means making sure you're having a good day, cooking dinner for you, or making sure you're comfortable while you two watch Netflix on the couch (gross, but so cute).
Cancer is also great at not having to say "I love you" and still making sure you know it (as if their actions weren't obvious enough).
When a Cancer feels like the two of you are getting serious, he will want you to meet his family; it just feels like the next natural step for them.
How a Leo man says 'I love you'
Leo's confidence and energy play a big role in his relationships.
A Leo loves having a lot of freedom in (pretty much) everything they do, but when they fall in love they stop thinking so much about themselves and start making more time for you.
A Leo hates to be tied down in relationships, but you can definitely tell they're in love with you when they're satisfied just cuddling at home instead of wanting to go out.
They value love a lot, which means always making time for you two to spend time together.
How a Virgo man says 'I love you'
A Virgo can be hard to pin down when it comes to love. They hate feeling vulnerable and letting someone love them unconditionally can freak them out a bit.
Patience is a quality that will get you far with a Virgo, so prepare for some shyness at the beginning of your relationship; this is a new concept for them!
Because Virgo isn't great at expressing their love, being patient makes a huge difference to them.
When a Virgo man falls in love with you, they will make more of an effort to put your needs before theirs. They love subtle actions over everything.
How a Libra man says 'I love you'
Libra has goals for himself; he doesn't have time to wonder if you're 'The One.'
Libra loves being friends with everyone, so it can be hard to tell if he loves you or if you're just another one of his friends.
One of his biggest giveaways is getting more intimate with you; if you respect a Libra as much as he respects you, your relationship will go far.
When a Libra is in love with you, he will make more of an effort to be honest with you instead of treating you like everyone else. He'll be more open to sharing personal details of themselves because he knows how special you are.
How a Scorpio man says 'I love you'
Scorpio men are very passionate and seductive. They love love — as long as it comes with sex and drama.
They can be very intense with people, which can scare their significant others off pretty quickly.
Scorpio can be very stubborn at times, which makes partners who are easy-going perfect for them. Instead of saying "I love you" he'll treat you like a goddess: infatuated stares, intense make-out sessions, and giving you everything you want in bed.
How a Sagittarius man says 'I love you'
Sagittarius is an adventurous sign and falling in love is just another rush for them. They tend to lose their inhibitions when it comes to falling in love, which can make it seem like it's never serious for them.
They are most attracted to those who let them keep their freedom instead of tying them down in a relationship.
When a Sagittarius loves you, they always want to make you laugh, no matter how cheesy their jokes sound.
If you're his go-to girl the next time he wants to travel or try something new, you'll know you've got him wrapped around your finger.
How a Capricorn man says 'I love you'
When Capricorn is looking for love, what they really want is a best friend. They're unconcerned with finding a passionate lover or a free spirit; they'd much rather have someone who wants the same things they do.
Capricorn loves family and is always planning for the future.
When a Capricorn is in love with you, he will try to impress you with his smarts. They take a lot of pride in being logical, so while the first few dates might feel a little stiff, they'll start to loosen up soon enough.
Look for signs that he wants your relationship to go further, such as bringing you to meet his family or remembering little things about you.
How an Aquarius man says 'I love you'
It can be hard to tell if Aquarius loves you at first because they can seem so detached and unapproachable. When they are in love, all of their attention goes to their significant other.
All they want is to find the right person, which can make it feel like they're grilling you or being extra serious.
"When you know, you know" is really the only way to describe how you can tell an Aquarius is in love with you.
They take love very seriously and want someone who can be just as intellectual and eccentric as them. When they love you, they will show it by laughing at all of your terrible jokes and sharing all of their favorite books and places with you (a very intimate gesture for them).
How a Pisces man says 'I love you'
Pisces is a shy and emotional individual, so they tend to treat their heart like glass. The worst thing that can happen to them is having their heart broken (even though they love being in love), so it can feel like they are being very reserved with how they feel about you.
When a Pisces is in love with you, they will show it through how tenderly they care for you. This means sending cute texts throughout the day, giving you little kisses, and sharing their food with you. The little things always count the most in a relationship with Pisces.
Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes.