What The Week Will Be Like For YOU, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Free horoscope for July 31 - August 6. Plus, your sign's weekly theme song!

Fun, Free Weekly Work & Love Horoscope For July 31 - Aug 6 weheartit

Leo: As you continue to celebrate the sun in your sign and blow out birthday candles, success is more attainable than ever. You’ve got all the power skills you need, so make sure you go for what you want and get your peers, squad and superiors to rally behind you. People won’t have a problem following your lead since you're epically charming right now. You’ll definitely be working hard, but the reward is well wirth it.


Try to take time out for fun. It's your birthday month after all, and people want to shower you with love — and you’re happy to return the sentiment! Emotions might run a bit high this week so just remember to focus on the positive. If someone irritates you a bit, let it roll off your mane because there are too many good things happening for you to let any one thing bring you down.

Leo's weekly theme songWhen You're On Top —The Wallflowers

Read: 6 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo, As Written By One


Virgo: Times are a-changing for you. You feel like you have a new lease on life. Where is all this optimism coming from? Well... Who cares!? Enjoy it.

Your new glow attracts positive support and attention in the workplace and on the romance front. You’re putting your inner critic aside for the moment and rocking some killer confidence. This attitude helps you direct a more positive, focused course for yourself. If you’ve been wavering or indecisive on projects or just unmotivated and off track, things are about to shift. It’s about time! You have a lot of creative energy you need to apply. Don’t let the world keep waiting for what you have to offer!

Virgo's weekly theme song: Waiting For My Chance To Come —Noah And The Whale


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Virgo (As Written By A Virgo)

Libra: You’ve got a little pep in your step, and every little move you make is on point. You’re witty and observant right now, which helps you see things in your life more clearly. Your people skills are on fleek too, and it seems everyone wants to be around you. Already the easy-going type, you're even more so at the moment.

Despite the amount of time you’ll be putting into work, you’ll want to make time for bae or other close relationships. Sure, you’re killing it on the career front but you still need time to do the things you really love with the people you love. You’re not one to wander off alone for too long, but you may need a breather here and there because you’re so busy this week. Enjoy all the things at play now. They’re setting a strong foundation for your future success.


Libra's weekly theme song: How Loud Your Heart Gets —Lucius

Read: 11 Brutal Truths About Loving A Libra, As Written By One

Scorpio: New beginnings are the theme as August kicks in. You’re feeling very driven to create the life you want. Whether this involves moving or starting a new job or career, the momentum is there and strong. If things felt stalled at some point or you were in a rut, you’re now making your way out to a new better life.


Romance is sweet as you are just feeling better all around. Your easy going nature helps things go smoothly.

As laid back as you may feel, you’re still pushing forward your agendas so any projects or new line of work will go really well right now. Your words carry weight this week and people are paying attention, so get your message across. You’re making great strides this week and it is certainly putting a smile on your face!

Scorpio's weekly theme song: Talk Of The Town —The Pretenders

Read: 14 Brutal Truths About Loving A Scorpio, As Written By One


Sagittarius: Take time to smell the roses this week. You're focused on your day-to-day blessings and being grateful for the good things and people in life. If you value them, you'll let them know. But if they’ve been causing you more strife than support, you may decide to place some distance between you.

Your drive is higher than usual this week, so you’ll put some hefty hours into work. It’s all worth it — just make sure you make time for love too. The summer heat has you falling for someone new. They’re not your usual type, and you like that.

All in all, this week brings a little bit of a reset button on your life and you are starting fresh and energized in many ways!

Sagittarius' weekly theme song: Work Out —J. Cole


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius, As Written By One

Capricorn: Is it the heat, or something else causing you to feel a little testy this week? You're usually quite patient, but right now your temper is at the ready more than usual. You're very principled and willing to fight to support your side of the story. Try to keep an open mind and hear other people out. You might be surprised at what you’ll learn. Remember things are hardly ever black and white, and getting all worked up really isn’t healthy for you. 


Find ways to unwind this week. Anything from mellow time with friends to a yoga sesh will help you take some of that edge off. Hey, we all have days where we just aren’t as patient as usual. Just try not to lean into that car horn too much and know it’ll pass.

Capricorn's weekly theme song: i —Kendrick Lamar

Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Capricorn, As Written By One


Aquarius: You’re deep in summer mode! You want to kick back and relax. Hopefully you’ve got a vacation planned this week. If not, you’ll be trying your best to staycation. Find a pool, gather your squad and hit some happy hours. It might be hard to get any work done this week because all you want to do is have fun, but if you have to go to work you'll step up tp the plate. You may have to turn your phone off if you want to concentrate because you’re in charge of everyone’s social calendar right now. 

Though it’s not your most productive week, it’s certainly one of your most funnest. Single Aquarians definitely need to enjoy this energy as you may attract some new suitors your way.

Aquarius' weekly theme song: Twisting By The Pool —Dire Straits


Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aquarius, As Written By One

Pisces: There’s a little bit of chaotic energy around you right now. You’re being pulled in various directions and aren't sure which way to swim. Try to confide in a trusted friend and accept their wisdom and guidance when you need it. You don’t need too many cooks in the kitchen right now, just one very capable chef. All this frenetic energy may have you feeling a bit edgy. Try to remember not to take everything personally this week. It’s not about you, and all you can do is respond to things in a positive way. If people push you, remember that it can be a learning experience and try not to get too defensive.

Look at this week as a time for you to build your strength. It’s never a bad thing to become a better swimmer!


Pisces' weekly theme song: One More Night —Michael Kiwanuka

Read: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Pisces, As Written By One

Aries: You're focusing on yourself and your goals right now. You might be moving up in the work place and needing to focus on that, or reassessing your personal goals. It’s not that you won’t make time for other people, but you need to address some things in your own life first. Plus, unless someone is able to bring positive things to the table, you really don’t want to be bothered with people who don’t live up to their end of things.  


Any tension you’ve been feeling might be related to your need to really pay attention to your next steps. Don’t push yourself too hard, but give yourself the breathing room you need this week to set out to achieve your goals. You got this!

Aries' weekly theme song: Bitter Sweet Symphony —The Verve

Read: The 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries, As Written By One


Taurus: Your energy might be a little low this week, but you'll pull through. Be patient with yourself, and realize it's only a phase. You might have had a lot of trying situations recently in work and in love, so you’re running out of patience and are a bit tired. You know you’re strong like a bull!

If you need some alone time to process and just chill out, then take it this week and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it. You need to take care of yourself! As long as people realize it’s not personal, they will give you the space that you need. Downtime can do wonders for your spirit. Hold tight and you’ll be back to your usual self in no time!

Taurus' weekly theme song: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction —The Rolling Stones


Read: The 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus, As Written By One

Gemini: The twin action is in full effect this week. You feel torn all week and are having trouble deciding what you really want. Take this time to mull over whether or not you’re really on the track you want to be on. Persistence is good, but so is assessing things if they just don’t seem to work out or come together.

Romantically, keep your options open because prospects are looking good! You can meet someone when you least expect it, so go with the flow. Your curiosity is piqued and you need to explore this relationship. Hang tight this week. It’s a little bit of a rollercoaster with some tension, but also fun, exhilarating moments!


Gemini's weekly theme song: Stayin' Alive —Bee Gees

Read: The 13 Brutal Truths About Loving A Gemini, As Written By One

Cancer: You’re feeling curious about the world. It’s a great time to take a vacation and go somewhere you’ve never been. Any trip you take now will be one you’ll remember forever.


As part of you feels like exploring new corners of the world, another part is delving into emotions and relationships. You’re exploring your feelings and focusing on the positive in your relationships. You might be showing your appreciation for those you love right now, fully realizing the benefits they bring to your life. You’re feeling strong and positive this week, and it shows!

Cancer's weekly theme song: Take On Me —A-ha

Read: The 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Cancer, As Written By One
