We Asked Men What They Really Think Of Women With Big Boobs

Do men like big boobs? You might be shocked to know that men love boobs. Duh. It doesn't matter if a girl has small boobs, big boobs, or something in between. If a dude is straight, his eyes are drawn to her rack. Boobs are, quite simply, where it's at.
We've asked real men before what they think of small boobs, and they were more than happy to answer us. Now it's time for the guys open up about big boobs.
They were patient and open, and guys, in thanks, my big boobs salute you. Take it away, boys!
OK, boob lovers. What's the deal? What do you love about big boobs?
1. For some, it's about confidence.
"Their owners tend to be confident, and that's sexy."
2. For others, the feel factors in big time.
"I like the way they look. I like the way they feel."
3. As long as they fit in their hands, they're perfect.
"The fullness, softness, the fact that they're a handful."
4. Beauty is imperfection.
"I greatly dislike fake boobs so I would much rather smaller ones than fake ones. This is because fake ones are too perfect and don't move right. I like the way big boobs move, and the imperfections around the nipples. I like having something to grab, ideally a breast that could be grabbed with two hands. I love cleavage and I love when there is a bit of a slip and I see more than I am supposed to."
5. For some, it's about kink.
"I love how showy big boobs are. How they mark a woman's sexuality at all times in a very strong way. I like cuddling in big boobs, and (assuming she likes them to be hurt) I like the bigger target for hitting and pinching and twisting. Also, on a kink tip, women with big boobs have often been shamed for having them, been called sluts from a young age, and while that's terrible and damaging, it does result in some fun sex play if she's down for incorporating that."
6. Boobs that are proportionate are great.
"They typically match the body type they are on (surgery can mess this up) and I am drawn to curves and softness."
7. Some put real thought into it.
"They fill your hands. There's more to stimulate (titillate?) the carnal senses for both parties. They fill shirts, blouses, dresses, and bras nicely. Cleavage. The curvature of a breast. Finally, breasts look beautiful exposed (from every angle)."
8. Some got intellectual about the appeal.
"It's a visceral attraction, so not easily deconstructed. Perhaps it's a ripe-fruit metaphor or the energy conveyed by all that bouncing and heaving. I also tend to associate curvy women with easy humor and casual sensuality, homey cotton sundresses and pie parties rather than trendy fashion ensembles and networking. In my mind, a curvy woman goes for a sunny walk in the forest, and as soon as she finds a deep stream, throws her clothes off with a merry laugh for a skinny-dip. The thin-framed lady, meanwhile, stayed home to keep up with Facebook."
9. Others didn't know where to begin.
"Do men like big boobs? To quote someone else: I understand why I like them, I do not understand why I like them SO MUCH. A lot has to do with the package thing I talked about above, the way they fill out a whole figure."
10. But mostly, it's the way they feel.
"I have to note that I've really only been with two women, both of whom are in the D-cup range, and my only real comparison is from a short relationship with one who was smaller. And I will grant that the smaller ones were perky and cute. Less trouble with gravity, I suppose. So I think what I love most about bigger ones is actually tactile — they feel so nice."
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a sex, humor and lifestyle writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cat, Batman. She hosts the sex, love, and dating advice show, Becca After Dark on YourTango's Facebook Page every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:15 pm Eastern. For more of her work, check out her Tumblr.