What The Most Scientifically Beautiful Woman Looks Like
Yes, there is such a thing as perfection.

Actress Amber Heard has been in the news a lot these past few years. That's not unusual for a Hollywood star, to be sure. I mean, we live through our celebrities and allow them not one moment's peace.
That said, Heard has been making headlines lately for darker goings on — namely, her divorce from Johnny Depp and abuse allegations that have come to light.
But that's not the only reason Heard has been making waves lately. Far from it.
Amber Heard was also in the press because she had officially been deemed the most beautiful woman on planet earth, and there was science to back it up.
In 2016, London-based plastic surgeon Dr. De Silva claimed that Heard's face scores a 91.85 percent accurate to the Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi. If that sounds like made-up nonsense, you are only partially on to something.
In ancient Greece, the golden ratio was used to determine the true beauty of a face using balance and mathematics.
A few years ago, De Silva put the ratio to the test, mapping the faces of Hollywood starlets and ranking them according to this ancient practice, because, you know, we needed to find new and exciting ways of objectifying the women who serve as our role models.
Kim Kardashian had come in second place in this competition. There was no word on what Kanye West had to say about that, but we're still looking forward to what rhymes he finds for the words ratio and phi.
Kate Moss' forehead also ranked, indicating that Johnny Depp has a type, and it is literal physical perfection.
However, Heard has now been dethroned as the "world's most beautiful woman."
In 2019 (so, apparently we were still doing this in 2019), model Bella Hadid snatched up her crown.
She was found to have a 94 percent match to the ratio. Of Hadid, De Silva said, “Bella Hadid was the clear winner when all elements of the face were measured for physical perfection."
Singer Beyoncé came in second place and Heard followed in third. Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande also made up the top five, with Moss showing up again as sixth.
These facial mappings made the news because De Silva had created a new computer program to rate faces.
"We have devised a brand new computer mapping technique which can calculate how to make subtle improvements to facial shapes," he said. "With this ground-breaking technology, we have solved some of the mysteries of what it is that makes someone physically beautiful."
That's right — somewhere in London there is a machine that will straight-up tell you if you are objectively beautiful.
Much like taking an IQ test, this is a dangerous and tantalizing proposition best left so not experienced.
It's cool that the technology exists, but infinitely less cool that it exists in a plastic surgeon's office where women surely wounded by the number are more than eager to hear how the good doctor will "fix" them.
Hollywood isn't real life, you guys.
Add to that knowledge the fact that the dude was doing a full court press of advertising, capitalizing on Heard, an abuse victim who was going through a highly publicized divorce, and you've got a final product that's anything but beautiful.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer and the Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.