Only 25% Of The Population Can Pass This Color Memory Test
How good is your color memory?

Every day that we live is a memory we take with us for the rest of our lives. According to Psychology Today, "Memory makes us. If we couldn't recall the who, what, where, and when of our everyday lives, we would never be able to manage."
But the sad thing about memory is that, over time, it starts to waver a little. Even worse, there are diseases that erase your memory: amnesia, Alzheimer's, and dementia.
Luckily, taking a color memory test shows just how well you can recall colors from specific pieces of art.
We often recall past events that have been altered a little bit. Have you ever talked to a friend about something you both did in the past, but you both ended up giving different details? Or do you recall studying for weeks for the biggest test of the year, memorizing ridiculous amounts of information, only for your mind to draw blanks during the actual test?
Our memories, sadly, are not perfect. However, there are people blessed with great memories.
They can recall the tiniest detail and every single conversation they've ever had. They take one look at something and it's like snapping a photo and keeping it in storage in their brains forever. We've all envied those photographic memories of our peers in school, after all.
Many people like to think they have an excellent memory, but let's put that memory to the test with this fun personality quiz, shall we?
How To Take The Color Memory Test
You can take the personality test below. Each slide shows how well you can remember a small yet important color in well-known paintings.
Don't worry, you don't have to be an art history major to succeed at this! The paintings are very common and recognizable.
The color memory test features art from some of the greats, including da Vinci, Seurat, van Gogh, and many more. Each slide tests how good your memory is.
When you are presented with the painting, there will be an arrow pointing to a certain object or area of the painting, and all you have to do is select the correct color. You will have an option between two or three colors.
At the end of the test, you'll see just how perfect that memory of yours is.
Some people have photographic memories and can remember minute visual details easily and get a perfect score. However, you will only pass if you get 8 out of 12 questions correct.
This type of memory is one of the rarest gifts with which we are blessed. But there are tons of different factors regarding memory that differ from person to person, so don't take the results too personally. It's just a fun quiz to take in your free time.
With that, scroll down to take the color memory personality test.
Take the quiz and find out how good your color memory is:
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