21 Quotes That Prove Libras Just Want (And Deserve) To Be Loved
Everyone loves a Libra.

We love Libras. While they can be fair-minded and diplomatic, they are also vibrant and creative beings. Libras love the little things in life and truly believe that these things are best shared with friends and family.
So what makes them such big softies?
We think Libras deserve every bit of the love they give in return, because they really are as great as they claim.
Some people will say that Libras are known for being indecisive and avoiding conflict, but what's really going on isn't their inability to make a decision; it's making sure everyone gets what they want.
Sure, Libras can be frustrating sometimes when they seem down in the dumps for seemingly no reason or because they tend to carry grudges a BIT too long — but they are TOTAL people-pleasers, and if they're having a good time ... they wanna make sure you're having fun too.
Whether you're a Libra or you have one in your life, there's one thing we can all agree on: Libras are LOVERS. Big ole' teddy bears.
And because they value balance so much, a Libra will want to receive as much as they give (and the other way around).
They aren't afraid to tell you exactly what they want, so when they do you better listen up.
If we had to choose only one of the things we love most about Libras it would be their complex personality. They have an idealistic view of the world because they know just how much beauty and love is in it — an attitude they won't soon give up on.
So while you're appreciating your Libras for all they are and everything they do, check out these quotes to remind you why you should give them a little extra love.
If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.
Let a Libra know just how much you appreciate them.
"Libras love doing things for others, but they like to feel appreciated. A little thanks goes a long way." — Unknown
Libras are very versatile in the bed.
"Libra women have good sex with almost every sign. How cool is that?" — Unknown
Librias can turn a weakness into an strength.
"Queens who always turn pain into power." — Unknown
Libras have a way with words, that will leave you speechless.
"Libra's will leave you speechless with sweet nothings." — Unknown
Libras understand how valuable they are.
"It's had to make a Libra jealous because they know what they're worth and know that they can have anyone they want." — Unknown
Libras can be headstrong if not respected.
"Libra only gets stubborn when people don't take them seriously." — Unknown
Libras can solve any problems.
"When you get into an awkward situation let a Libra do all the talking. They can negotiate themselves out of anything." — Unknown
You will always know where you stand in a Libras heart.
"Type of lover a Libra is: You never have to question if they love you, because they show it every chance they get." — Unknown
Libras are as nice as they're ruthless, if you cross them.
"Don't let Libra's romantic softness and love for peace fool you, they can get ruthless." — Unknown
When a Libra chooses you it's real love.
"Libras don't fall for just anyone, so when they choose you know that it's the real deal." — Unknown
A Libra will always let you know how special you are to them.
"Libra will make you feel special. That is their charm." — Unknown
A Libra gives you as much effort as you give them.
"Give a Libra 100% of you and expect to get 1000% of them in return." — Unknown
Never underestimate a Libra's love for you.
"A Libra's friendship and love is worth gold." — Unknown
A Libra is an exhilarating lover.
"Libras are master kissers and can be master seducers once they set their eyes on you." — Unknown
A Libra's love should never be taken for granted.
"A Libra will love you even at your absolute worst, but push it too far and they have a hard time forgiving and forgetting." — Unknown
All a Libra wants in life is for everyone to be as happy as them.
"Libra Dream: For the world to become a peaceful happy place." — Unknown
Libras crave balance and know if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
"After a break up, a Libra will make do with the decision and be off to create an exciting new balance in their life." — Unknown
Libras need time to perfect themselves, so the wait is worth it.
"Don't rush a Libra. Something this good takes time." — Unknown
A Libra will always charm the pants off of you.
"Libras are charming individuals who can put on an array of faces to please anyone they are with." — Unknown
A Libra is both strong and courageous when it comes to love.
"To love someone deeply gives you strength. To accept that love from someone else gives you courage." — Unknown
Libras are ALL of these good things and much more.
Libras are Social, creative, fun, practical, impartial, generous, reliable, empathetic, ambitious, tenacious, easy-going, idealistic, determined, diplomatic, reserved, good-natured, warm-hearted, peace-loving, perfectionist.