These 15 Quotes Prove Getting Older Is Freaking AWESOME
So STOP stressing over your B-day!

Getting older is a part of life that no one looks forward to — well the physical part anyway. Our society has made age into this villain that MUST be stopped at all costs.
Botox, face lifts, liposuction, anti-aging creams and cleansers ... we're obsessed with being forever young.
Some would even kill to find the map to the Fountain of Youth.
But here's the thing. People are living longer today because we're learning how to take better care of ourselves. And this is a truly GREAT thing. This means we have more time with our families, more time with our friends, more time to learn from our mistakes, do greater things with our lives and choose the path(s) that makes us ultimately happy.
So before you go griping about your birthday and lying about your age, take it for what it REALLY is — a gift not granted to many.
Here are 13 quotes that prove age is JUST a number.
If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.
On getting stronger as time passes.
"Shit I used to trip on, I walk over now." — Unknown
On the current obsession with heavy makeup.
"I take comfort in knowing that people younger than me look older than me." — Unknown
On realizing certain truths.
"I love getting older. My understanding deepens. I can see what connects. I can weave stories of experience and apply them. I can integrate the lessons. Things simply become more and more fascinating. Beauty reveals itself in thousands of forms." — Victoria Erickson
On what to be focused on.
"I look forward to being older, when what you look like becomes less and less an issue and what you are is the point." — Susan Sarandon
On what age REALLY means.
"Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you." — Unknown
On something everyone should know.
"Youth has no age." — Pablo Picasso
On living life to the fullest.
"To live life is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." — Oscar Wilde
On what is really important in life.
"The older I get the more I realize that the things that cost nothing, hold the most value." — Unknown
On becoming free.
"Women always try to tame themselves as they get older, but the ones who look best are often a bit wilder." — Miuccia Prada
On the reality of some things.
"Do not regret getting older. It's a privilege denied to many." — Unknown
On how old fashioned the word "age" is.
"We should start referring to age as levels, so when you're level 80 it sounds more badass than just being an old person." — Unknown
On women aging.
"I have figured so much more about life and feel the older women get, the more beautiful they get. We become ourselves which is something you can't teach anyone at 18." — Jennifer Garner
On becoming a work of art.
"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art." — Eleanor Roosevelt
On finding what does and doesn't work.
"Life really does begin at 40. Up until then, you are just doing research." — Carl Jung
On the perks of retirement.
"I have a rule: if the temperature is less than my age, I don't get out of bed." — Ellen DeGeneres