14 Gilmore Girls Quotes That Absolutely NAIL Love And Relationships
Where they lead, you should follow.

There are a few sure-fire ways to get over relationship turmoil.
Having a drink with your best friends, eating an obscene amount of microwavable pizza rolls, and — my favorite — binge-watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.
Because Gilmore Girls is the PERFECT cure for a broken heart. Because who doesn’t feel immediately better imagining Lauren Graham consoling you on a twin bed or bringing you to Luke’s for an extra big cup of coffee? And you know that Lorelai and Rory, maybe the best mother-and daughter pair in TV history, will know what you’re going through, because those ladies have endured EVERYTHING together when it comes to matters of the heart.
There’s been Lorelai and Max, Lorelai and Jason, Lorelai and Christopher, and the pairing that better last FOREVER — Lorelai and Luke. Not to mention, Rory and Dean, Rory and Jess (such a bad boy), and Rory and Logan. (Are there any Rory and Marty shippers out there? He never had a chance, did he?)
These women KNOW about relationships, and it doesn’t hurt that they’ve got a genius like Amy Sherman-Palladino telling them what to say every episode. One of the many reasons that Gilmore Girls is such a great show is because of its whip-smart writing. Every scene is packed with insightful, rapid-fire dialogue that is both funny and oddly impactful. Gilmore Girls appeals equally to our hearts and our wit, which is a powerful combination. Maybe that’s why it feels so right to deep-dive into the Gilmore canon when we’re not exactly sure what our hearts want.
So, while we sit over here, impatiently awaiting the release of Netflix’s new Gilmore Girls: A Life in the Year series (ANNOUNCE A RELEASE DATE ALREADY!), here are 14 quotes that exemplify the profound (and profoundly funny) ways that Gilmore Girls spoke to us about love and relationships.
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If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.
Gilmore Girls on Attraction
“You can't always control who you're attracted to, you know. I think the whole Angelina Jolie/Billy Bob Thornton thing really proves that.”
– Lorelai Gilmore
Gilmore Girls on Being in Love
“It's like, it's not even real to me. It's like my life isn't even real to me unless you're there and you're in it and I'm sharing it with you.”
- Luke Danes
Gilmore Girls on the Language of Love
“I'm afraid that once your heart's involved, it all comes out in moron.”
- Lorelai Gilmore
Gilmore Girls on Communication
Rory: “Dean!”
Dean: “What?”
Rory: “Stop!”
Dean: “Why?”
Rory: “Because I love you, you idiot!”
Gilmore Girls on Having Standards in Love
“If you're going to throw your life away, he'd better have a motorcycle.”
– Lorelai Gilmore
Gilmore Girls on Wedding Etiquette
Rory: “You should walk down the aisle to Frank Sinatra, with a huge bouquet of something that smells really good.”
Lorelai: “Pot roast!”
Gilmore Girls on Long-Term Relationship Goals
Paris: “Maybe I shouldn't go. I mean, what if I fall for him and he doesn't like me?”
Rory: “Then you'll find someone else.”
Paris: “But what if there is no one else?”
Rory: “Then you'll buy some cats.”
Paris Geller on Dating
“I get no pleasure out of the prospect or the preparation. I'm covered in hives, I've showered four times, and for what? Some guy who doesn't even have the brains to buy a Zagat so we don't wind up in a restaurant that's really just a front for a cocaine laundering ring?”
- Paris Geller
Gilmore Girls on the Appeal of Loners
Luke: “I'm different, I'm a loner.”
Lorelai: “Oh no. No, no. I don't want to hear about the romance of being a loner.”
Luke: “Some guys are just naturally loners.”
Lorelai: “Yes, lonely guys.”
Gilmore Girls on the Joys of Compromise
"If this relationship thing is going to work, then it goes both ways.
You have to tell me why we’re committing a felony before we do it."
- Logan Huntzberger
Gilmore Girls on How to Be Happy
Rory: “You're happy.”
Lorelai: “Yeah.”
Rory: “Did you do something slutty?”
Gilmore Girls on Relationship Boundaries
“Please remember that I am your editor. I am not your mother, or your hugger. If you need some love, get a hooker. If you're having a bad day, find a ledge or way to deal.”
– Paris Geller
Gilmore Girls on Being Married
“I think he's good for you. But it's not going to be perfect. He's not perfect, and God knows you're not perfect. But marriage is not about always being happy, and often it's about not being happy at all. It's about compromise, which is not your strong suit.”
- Emily Gilmore
Gilmore Girls on Dating
Emily: “Now take me through this step by step. You see a man, you walk up to him, and you say?”
Lorelai: “Hello.”
Emily: “Is that too forward?”
Lorelai: “No, it's the appropriate way to indicate you're open to a social engagement. Unless, however, you are approaching a weasel. Then I believe the proper signal is just to offer him your hindquarters.”