8 Reasons Libra Women Are The BEST Women To Love
Think you can keep your balance around a gorgeous Libra woman? Best of luck with that!

Libra women spend their lives focused on the balance been what must be done and what they most desire to do. So, are Libras loyal?
If you've found yourself fixated on a Libra woman, get ready for a heady ride, as this air sign is all about intellectual pursuit and dreamy thinking.
Libras' deep commitment to justice and equality benefits everyone they bring into their lives, as they are well aware this means justice and equality for all, not only for themselves. So, yes, Libra's are loyal (unlike Aquarius), and you would be lucky to be in a long-term relationship with a libra.
As internally focused as your Libra lover may be, she is also fond of everything sensual and pleasing to all of the senses. She breathes in beauty, art, and music — all of which she will be sure to keep you surrounded with at all times.
Libras are the most social creatures of the zodiac and are never ones to stay quiet when feeling provoked or passionate, but they would never reveal secrets that aren't there's to share. They may hint around, but never tell.
Here are 8 more reasons that answer that age-old question: "Are Libras loyal?"
Hint: They are! Libra women are quite simply the best women to love!
1. Nothing in the world is more powerful than a kiss, and no kiss is more powerful than that of a Libra.
"A Libra's passionate kiss will blow you away. That's one of their specialties and favorite things to do in a relationship."
2. Libra possesses the glorious combination of spirited pride and soul-endearing beauty in everything they do.
"A warrior's mentality with a poet's soul."
3. Your Libra woman will love you and you only for both of your lifetimes.
"A Libra could have 100 admirers, but that doesn't matter because when they have an eye on someone, they only have eyes for that one and only person."
4. A Libra's goals are simple, pure, and joyous. Your life together will benefit from this greatly.
"Their Life Purpose: To travel, love and achieve true happiness."
5. Libras cannot stand to be anyone's wet blanket. She will never bring you down.
"Even when feeling like their world is crashing down, if a Libra sees you're in a good mood they won't rain on your parade."
6. The Libra passion for balance includes balance in her emotions, which keeps her self-assured and confident without edging into the territory of haughtiness.
"A Libra woman is very self-confident in her abilities and looks. She has no reason to be jealous."
7. She knows how you are feeling. She can read it all over you.
"Libra can read your thoughts through your body language."
8. The love of a Libra woman is boundless, sincere, and generous. Show her the same and you will live a life of love and peace.
"When a Libra loves you, they love you with their entire soul. They will always accommodate to make sure that your happiness comes first."
Deputy Editor Arianna Jeret, MA/MSW, is a former family law mediator, divorce coach and recognized expert on love and relationships. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, Yahoo, MSN, Bustle, Parents and more. You can follow her on Twitter (@ariannajeret) and Instagram (@ariannajer).