Stop Being A Victim Of Your Own Divorce & Take Charge Of Your Life
There's more than one way to divorce.

Whether it’s consensual and amicable or a bitter, ugly battle, divorce is a relentless, draining force on your life. The process wreaks havoc on your emotions, body, family, job, self-esteem, self-worth — even your friendships.
Although divorce can feel like a never-ending drama that overshadows every aspect of your life, you also have to consider that time is also part of the cost.
We're not only talking about the financial expense. The time it takes to get through all the meetings, the paperwork, the negotiations and mediations for division of debt and assets, the child custody and support — it ALL takes a toll on both your finances AND your mental health.
According to, the average divorce can cost over $15,000 and can take up to 11 months. If you have to go to trial over disputes, jack up that cost significantly to almost $20,000 ... and be prepared to hang in there for another 6 and ½ months for your divorce to be settled.
And when there are children involved, the toll divorce takes on them adds another smothering layer of exaggerated responsibility and guilt on top of everything else you’re dealing with.
Parenting becomes a whole different ball game — the little ones are confused and afraid and the older ones are bitter and rebellious. It's important to take a second to see and understand how the divorce impacts them.
You’re beyond sad, beyond angry, terrified, and plagued with the ‘why me’ questions circling your brain about the divorce.
Amidst the turmoil of extreme emotional pain and feelings of abandonment, the hardest thing for you to contemplate right now is your future, but to recover from divorce and keep your sanity, the future is what you MUST focus on.
Author and Dating Coach Charles Orlando hosts a discussion on the difficult issues of divorce with Attorney Karen Covy, Marriage and Family Therapist Foojan Zeine, Psy.D., Life Coach Patty Blue Hayes, and Therapist Anabelle Bugatti.
Listen as our Experts weigh in on all aspects of this topic and discover positive ways to navigate through the murky waters of divorce. Figure out if it's possible to have a QUICK divorce with fewer issues and not a lot of pain and suffering. Find tips on how do deal with the legalities and how to lessen the impact on your children.
You CAN create a new life without destroying yourself in the process.
If you need a little help getting through your divorce in one piece, our experts are here to help! Reach out to Charles, Karen, Foojan, Patty or Anabelle for the support you need.