7 Of The Most Devoted Things You Can Ever Do For Your Partner
Here's to the loyal partners everywhere.

Dating is a flurry of delirious anticipation. The potential to meet your future spouse on any one of several online platforms could happen at any time — I met my current boyfriend on Tinder! — with a simple one-sentence message.
Yet, the never-ending options can make for a challenging dating experience because sifting through dozens and dozens of profiles could mean missing the perfect connection. So when you finally find someone you love, it's all the sweeter.
I'm in exactly that sort of relationship. My partner is by far the best I've been with — he's an unwavering support system, has a heart of gold, and has limitless affection. I'm the kind of person who commits 100 percent to a relationship and makes sure my partner knows how devoted I am to them.
Here are the most devoted things you can ever do for your partner:
1. Stay by their side through thick and thin
If you've been together for a long time, chances are, your partner is not going anywhere any time soon. FYI, most people tend to get attached and never want to let go. Familiarity and comfort are everything for people who are in healthy relationships.
2. Go above and beyond for them
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You constantly shower them with affection just to show them how much you care. They want to be treated respectfully, but more than that, they want you to be fully committed, too.
Marriage counselor Julie Orlov advised to "make affectionate gestures a priority. Give your mate a hug, kiss, or squeeze every day. Make time to cuddle before going to sleep. Hold hands, walk arm-in-arm-, remember what it felt like to be in the courtship phase, creating romance and connection. I promise that you will feel better about your mate, your relationship, and yourself."
3. Make them part of your circle
Your mom adores them, they have your best friend's stamp of approval. If you're right for them, it'll show in all of their relationships and give them more incentive to stick around.
4. Be vocal about your feelings and desires
If you tell them what you want and when you want it (i.e. "I think we should consider moving in together within the next year"), you show you are serious about them, and you want them to know how serious you are.
5. Talk about the future with them
If you have a list of baby names going on your smartphone notes, you are undoubtedly picturing a future together, however distant. Or maybe you are researching how to decorate your next apartment (see above), or you are pinning engagement rings on your Pinterest board (wink, wink).
No matter the case, you are imagining a long life with them by your side. If you see a future with them, relationship coach Keith Dent recommends that "Creating a fun goal as a couple will increase your bond, communication, and conflict resolution which will ultimately increase your relationship satisfaction. One thing to keep in mind is to make sure your competitive gene doesn’t kick in if your fun consists of playing games. You don’t want to focus on winning at your partner’s expense."
6. Tell them the truth
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You tell them when they get on your nerves and when you are feeling sad, as well as the reason you get jealous once in a while. You tell them about your childhood, your hopes and dreams, and your thoughts on the things that matter in the world. People tend to open up emotionally with someone they know is going to stick around.
"By sharing your feelings, you are exposing a piece of the inner you. This can feel risky or vulnerable. When you expose who you are, you risk rejection, judgment, shame, and other uncomfortable feelings. Know that these feelings are normal, and everyone feels them. They help you have empathy for others when they share their vulnerabilities with you. When both people are careful with each other's vulnerabilities, a sense of safety and trust is built into your relationship, because vulnerability deepens emotional intimacy," explained therapist Teresa Maples-Zuvela.
7. Love them unconditionally
You let them know how much you love them every single day, and yes, "forever" is part of your vocabulary. When you get in fights — including the really big, ugly ones — you still remind them that you are, and always will be the one. What more affirmation could anyone need?
Ashley Paige is a former Assistant Editor for Popsugar who is obsessed with hot tea, life hacks, and J.Lo's wardrobe.