6 Things You NEED To Know About Jared Leto, The Hottest Joker EVER
His new pic as the Joker is a MUST SEE.

Jared Leto revealed his gloriously creepy take on Batman’s Joker on the cover of Empire Magazine.
While it’s going to be a challenge to beat Heath Ledger’s masterful performance, Leto has shown at least he can pull off the look of a deranged sociopath.
His take is very much “What if a Calvin Klein model dressed by Liberace worked for Hot Topic during Halloween?”
So basically … awesome.
Even when he’s not wearing parlor makeup and plotting to blow up half of Gotham, Jared Leto leads an extremely colorful life. Here are a few things this celeb has accomplished in his single life that would take most of us 10 or more:
1. He’s the front man for rock band 30 Seconds To Mars
The name 30 Seconds To Mars might not jump immediately to mind, but I’d bet my bottom dollar you’ve heard their hit single “The Kill.”
2. He was one of People Magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful People in the World
Once you’re done rocking out to that song, you can read about how he was considered one of the world’s most beautiful people.
He had a very Dawson’s Creek look at the time, and if anything, has only grown better-looking with age. Lucky bastard.
3. Jared Leto has dated a ton of celebrities (of course).
He was engaged to Cameron Diaz from 2000 to 2003, although we never really got a satisfying answer as to why they called it quits.
I guess if you’re a Hollywood powerhouse, a rock star, AND super handsome, you're known for dating the cream of the crop.
Jared Leto's girlfriend resume is impressive in general. He's dated Scarlett Johannson, Lupita Nyong’o and Paris Hilton in the past, as well as rumored to have hooked up with Lindsay Lohan, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and more.
4. His breakout roll was on MTV high-school teen drama My So-Called Life in the late 90s.
He’s definitely come a long way — from teen angst to comic book super villain. I just wonder how he had the energy for a band and all of these major starring roles over the years.
Remember this swoon-worthy hallway scene with Claire Danes?
5. He is a vegan.
And PETA named him one of it’s sexiest vegetarians last year.
Apparently, no matter what he does, he makes it look good.
6. He lived a year in Haiti when he was 12.
Also known as the poorest country in the world.
His mother helped run two medical clinics at the time, before moving back to the states. He visited Haiti again in 2011 and helped raise money for earthquake relief.