10 Reasons I'm A Total Bad*ss Mom (And I Know It)
And guess what? You probably are, too.

Do I hate myself on occasion? Yes. Do I sometimes think I'm the world's worst parent? Often. Are there moments when I wish I wasn't a parent? You betcha. Is this post going to garner some scathing comments? Probably.
But I still think I'm a pretty bad*ss mom — at least, that's what I try to tell myself. Here's why I think I'm pretty cool:
1. I let my kid eat candy for breakfast if she wants it. Because as you get older, that's not "acceptable," and you're only young once. So, for the love of all, let them eat cake.
2. I don't give a damn if she wants to run around naked all day. I mean let's be honest: would you wear clothes if you didn't have to?
3. If she does want to get dressed, she gets to pick her own clothes. Which is why 99.9 percent of the time she's wearing the same tattered Minnie Mouse dress. Hey, if she's cool with it, I'm cool with it.
4. She's never had a meltdown or temper tantrum in public. I'm not sure if this says more about my parenting skills or her generally sweet disposition, but either way I'm not mad about it.
5. She listens and obeys about 85 percent of the time. "Listen and obey" was the first sign language I taught her, and was also two of her first words. They've been instrumental in her behavioral attitude. Yes, sometimes she still runs from me when I tell her to stop and I want to punch a hole through the wall, but then again she's only two.
6. I'm not a worrywart. I don't hover, even when I want to. I let her do her own thing, even if it's a little dangerous. Now, before you go calling CPS, I obviously stop her from causing herself serious harm. But if she wants to run naked in the driveway, scraped knees and elbows are just going to be a part of life. I mean, scars tell stories, right? At least that's what I'll tell her.
7. I don't judge other moms. This is a bit of bad*ssery I'm particularly proud of. We all know how it feels to be judged and it's not fun. So, whatever or however other mothers think is best to raise their kids, go for it. Everybody's got to be who they are.
8. I've introduced her to the finest music of the late 90's and early 2000's. And she loves it. Grunge, R. Kelly, Justin Timberlake in his early prime, Pink — all of it. This is how I know my blood runs in her veins.
9. I don't let her sit in front of the TV for hours, even though that's what I really want to do. I pick myself up off my lazy butt, and invent some new game, have a dance party, or just go outside. Motherhood isn't for the faint of heart, and if you expect to sit still for more than two minutes at a time, you're sadly mistaken.
10. I show up. This is my number one reason for being a bad*ss mom (even though it's actually number 10). If you show up, you're a badass, too, because it's hard, sometimes it sucks, you don't sleep often, you don't eat right, and you're always exhausted. But at the end of the day, those little humans are worth showing up for.