So, Yeah. This Is What A Sex Doll With An 11-Inch Penis Looks Like

NSFW, obviously.

male doll Sinthetics

In the 2007 movie Lars and the Real Girl, Ryan Gosling plays the character of Lars, a sweet yet odd young man who purchases a real doll. Lars doesn't treat the real doll as a sex toy; rather, as if she were someone he was dating.

The whole movie is kind of sweet. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Ryan Gosling is in it, and he's pretty hot always.  

Once again the internet is buzzing, and this time it's about a picture of a male real life doll, Gabriel, who happens to have an 11 inch penis. This story doesn't have the same aw-shucks aspect that Lars and the Real Girl has, and is getting more of a WTF response.


But shouldn't you get exactly what you want in a male real doll? Here's a picture of a Gabriel real life doll that was delivered to a satisfied customer:

Photo: Sinthetics

Sinthetics is the maker of Gabriel and other dolls, both male and female. They call them manikins, not mannequins, and you get a variety of choices for hair color, ethnicity, style, and yes, even penis size.


Women (and men) often have size preferences when it comes to penises. Since you can choose various aspects of your real life sex doll's penis — such as flaccid, erect, and gym dick (flaccid but still large enough to walk around a gym locker room naked) — there must be a market for the real doll with the gigantic peen.

This is extremely NSFW. Sinthetics take pride in their work and make every piece of their manikins incredibly realistic:

Photo: Sinthetics


The cost of the real sex doll is $5,900 for the male ones, and $5,750 for the female ones. It doesn't seem quite fair that the male dolls are more expensive than the female dolls, does it?

Photo: Sinthetics

You can purchase the penis separately, and Sinthetics has a quite a few customers from the transgender community.


They say on their website, "Somewhat unexpectedly, Sinthetic penis products have been discovered by the FtM community because of our superb realism, look, and feel. We are very grateful for the opportunity to serve this sector of society and provide you with realistic apparatus to aid in the stages of transition."

Sinthetics carries the packer style of penis, which is intended to be worn in underwear.

Most of the penis are life-cast, except for the 11 inch version (probably quite difficult to find models for that one). The male dolls have a small round fixture which pops into a receptacle in the doll's body, and some of the male packages are interchangeable.


Photo: Sinthetics

The manikins can't stand up unsupported, but they do have moveable joints so you can put them in a variety of positions. Or, do like Lars does, and put them in a wheelchair and take them out for a walk.

Whatever you do with your manikin is really up to you. And if something unexpected happens to your manikin, don't worry; Sinthetics has a doll hospital for any injuries — for the doll, not you.