Super-Weird Things Wearing Skinny Jeans Reveals About You
Who knew?

Skinny jeans had really blown up over the last few years, to the point where everyone and their mother (literally) seem to be wearing them.
And even now, as Gen Z has tossed them aside for their beloved "mom jeans," many loyal fans are refusing to give up their favorite denim style.
But what, other than the size of your legs (and perhaps your age), does wearing skinny jeans say about you?
Quite a lot, actually, according to research.
Survey platform Qualtrics conducted a survey and found that a very specific kind of person is drawn to those tight pairs of denim known as skinny jeans — happy people!
Their findings showed that people who wear skinny jeans are 9% more likely than those who don't to report that they have higher levels of happiness.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, these folks are also pretty darn self-assured, even if they're not shouting from the rooftops about it.
People who prefer skinny jeans are also 12% more likely to say they view themselves as either extremely or very confident.
Perhaps feeling as though they're able to show off their hard work at the gym when they wear those tight-fitting jeans has something to do with it.
Fascinatingly, this same survey also found that people who wear skinny jeans are more likely to take the aisle seats on planes than they are to choose a window seat.
What could that kind of deep information mean?
Either they're scared of flying and don't want to look out at all? Or, maybe they are forward thinking and want the aisle seats so they can get up without disturbing anyone.
We cannot say for certain.
Of course, none of this necessarily means that people who like tight-fitting jeans are the most considerate people among us.
The same survey found that people who report recycling most are 7% less likely to wear skinny jeans.
Perhaps this is a sign that hipsters aren't as environmentally-conscious like we thought.
When It comes to hip transportation however, 33% of people who ride motorcycles also report a love of wearing skinny jeans.
Extra material is certainly no motorcyclist's friend, so this is probably the most obvious finding of them all. In fact, it would be reasonable to have assumed that number would have been even higher, if you were someone who sits around wondering how bikers like their jeans, of course.
Skinny jeans lovers are also 8% less likely to be Apple users.
And finally, people who wear skinny jeans are twice as likely to live in small cities rather than large urban areas.
You just have to love random facts.
Nicole Weaver is a love and entertainment writer.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted in June 2015 and has been updated with the latest information.