How To Know If Your Mole Is Really An Extra Nipple
But if it is, you and Harry Styles will be in good company.

You know that weird looking mole that you always thought was some sort of birth defect? Well, according to this study by Medscape, your mole might be a third nipple. Known as supernumerary nipples, they're normally located right on your chest.
And many people might have them under their breasts and not know it!
"A lot of people have them but never give them a second thought," says plastic surgeon Anne Taylor, MD.
Researchers stated that "Supernumerary nipples are common minor congenital malformations that consist of nipples and/or related tissue in addition to the nipples normally appearing on the chest. Supernumerary nipples are located along the embryonic milk lines. Ectopic supernumerary nipples are found beyond the embryonic milk lines."
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We know it sounds a little out there, but third nipples are actually pretty common.
In fact, Health Research Funding mentions that at least one out of 10 men can have supernumerary nipples while it occurs in one in 50 women.
It's important to know that the risk of getting breast cancer does not increase because a third nipple is present.
So if you're a member of the club, don't worry that your mole might be a third nipple.
A lot of your favorite celebrities also have one such as Mark Wahlberg, Joanna Krupa, Carrie Underwood and Lily Allen.
The interesting thing is that there are even instances when a someone may have more than three.
And fact: Harry Styles had a third (and fourth!) nipple before it was cool.
Cassandra Rose is a love and entertainment writer.