15 Things Only Old Souls Will Understand
We're wise beyond our years.

Ever feel like your entire life is an episode of deja vu? Are you the go-to person for your friends (and even strangers) when they need advice? Do people you've just met feel like they've known you forever?
Congrats! You're probably an old soul: Sage, wise, collected, sophisticated and probably into retro stuff. Sometimes, I feel like I was born in the wrong decade. That is possibly the most hipster thing I've ever said but that doesn't make it any less true.
As a kid, I spent a lot of my time completely mesmerized by my mother's classic French vinyl records. There was something so inherently raw and beautiful about their scratchy quality that had me hooked. I remember being made fun of in high school for being the only person in my class that listened to jazz. But I didn't care; nothing could put a smile on my face the way that Frank Sinatra's swooning voice could. (Plus, as an old soul, I recognized quickly that they were all jerks with terrible taste anyway, so there's that. Life goes on!)
Falling in love with old fashioned things is second nature to us. Whether it's being obsessed with oldies music or drooling over retro-chic clothes, there's no denying that vintage is just better, because eventually it'll become new again — just like our soul does. Here are just a few of the things that only old souls will understand:
1.Having a date night at home is just as romantic as going out to eat.
2.You have to resist rolling your eyes when you overhear someone saying that music today is so much better than what they played back in the day. Um, NO.
3.Your idea of a good time is curling up with a book.
4.You worry about the future A LOT. Most of the time, you're lost in your head, thinking about what your next move should be.
5.Everything has to be planned in advance. If someone waits until the last minute to ask you to hang out, it's either not going to happen or you'll be super pissed about it.
6.Old souls are easy to please. Plain and simple.
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7.You know that being alone isn't the same as being lonely. You make time for your friends but understand that scheduling "me" time is okay, too.
Soul and Spirit Magazine
8.Sometimes, you revel just in being.
9.You love giving people advice, and they always ask you for it because you've somehow been there ... but of course, they don't always listen to you.
10.Your advice is so good, in fact, that you can't ask anyone else for it.
11.You enjoy hanging out with cats, and they love you. It's probably the whole "nine lives" thing. Unless you smell like tuna or something.
12.The older you get, the healthier you want to be, and that's reflected in your choice of snacks.
13.You not only remain calm during "emergencies," you embrace it, because you know that what will be will be.
14.You and your BFF love hanging out and don't even really need to talk, because you already know what she's thinking.
15.You secretly get a kick out of people trying to lie to you, because they can't. You've heard it all before.
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