7 DISGUSTING Pro-Rape Shirts We Can't Believe Actually Exist

There's nothing "cool" about it.

Guy wearing controversial shirt

One in three.

That’s the staggering number of women who will be raped at some point in their life. The statistics for domestic violence are just as gruesome, with over thirty eight percent of women eventually being murdered by their partners.

This is absolutely terrifying. Yet people still find time to make fun of these statistics by making and supporting "quirky" clothing promoting violence against women and men.


It's 2015 and this douche didn't bat an eye at rocking an "Eat. Sleep. Rape. Repeat" shirt at Coachella — that right there is the real problem.

Society has a history of failing women and the fact that someone feels like a badass for making such a hateful and disgusting move explains so much about the rape culture we have today.

There are so many human rights movements (women's rights in particular) that have tried fighting against this and society's automatic response is still to blame the victim. (Because clearly something he or she did was a catalyst for being brutally violated, right?) But it's that mindset that makes jerks like this think making a joke out of this violent attack is okay.


Let me get rid of any misconceptions you have about that: It's never okay.

The sad part is that there are thousands of more shirts like this one. If women are "asking to be raped" because of what they wear, then these guys are asking for their teeth to be knocked in. I say we gather up all of the gross companies who made these shirts (and the assholes dumb enough to wear them) and boot them off of the island.

Who's with me?

7. What A Shame


This retailer (and the person wearing the tee) deserves the hottest spot in hell for this one.

Photo: Torontoist


6. How Terrible


I honestly can't look at this disturbing image without wanting to throw up.

Photo: Gawker


5. So Freaking Gross


I don't understand how anyone could ever find this funny. There is nothing "cool" about it.

Photo: Puckermob


4. No Words


What a world we live in.

Photo: Yahoo Lifestyle UK & Ireland


3. Disgusting

rape Mommyish

The fact that Amazon let this get by speaks volumes.


2. The WORST


Literally the worst person on the planet.

Photo: Photobucket


1. Sad


Wearing a shirt with a sh*tty catchphrase doesn't make you cool; it's just pathetic and sad.

Photo: Twitter
