WTF, America? 1 In 10 Kids Have Made A Porn Video
This is not a joke. We're talking about 12-year-old children!

We'd like to think that we can shelter our children from harmful things such as, pornography but with technology becoming more inescapable by the day — they are bound to be exposed to inappropriate things, sooner than later. This is worrisome because as parents we try to ward off anything that may expedite the process of growing up. But here's a bit of shocking news that will make that task seem all the more difficult (if not impossible). Get this: many children have admitted that they have made their own porn.
Wait, what now?!
More than one in ten children, between the ages 12 and 13 have participated in a sexually explicit video, according to the NSPPC's ChildLine service's research.
Another shocking statistic: one in ten among the same age range are worried that they are addicted to porn. Lastly, almost a fifth have said they have seen porn that have shocked or upset them, further proving that children aren't ready for the psychological effects of partaking in sexual activities.
These findings came from a survey of 700 children conducted by ChildLine; a service that provides help and advice on a wide range of issues, that are affecting children in the United Kingdom. According to Dame Esther Rantzen (ChildLine founder), the hotline has been contacted by children, as young as 11, with porn related concerns.
"We know they are frequently stumbling across porn, often unintentionally, and they are telling us very clearly that this is having a damaging and upsetting effect on them," Rantzen explains to Daily Mail. "Girls in particular have said they feel like they have to look and behave like porn stars to be liked by boys."
ChildLine's discussion forums also have a lot of traction on the subject. There are about 18,000 messages on the forum of young ones talking about being exposed to porn.
So how do we handle this, terrible, problem?
Rantzen implores for people to talk to their children.
"We absolutely have to talk to young people about sex, love, respect and consent as soon as we feel they are ready, to ensure that they gain a proper perspective between real life relationships and the fantasy world of porn," Rantzen says.
No matter how uncomfortable you feel, it's crucial to make our youth aware of the dangers and responsibilities that come with engaging in any sexual activity — especially at a young age. This will helps keep an open line of communication, so they know you're there even when the situation or discussion doesn't please you.
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