16 Of The Meanest Celebrities Ever (According To Reddit)
Some celebs play nice on screen but are monsters in real life.

I feel the need to say this first, because I think that sometimes people forget it: Celebrities are still people. If you run into a celebrity, and they're having a bad day, they might not act like the coolest person. Or they might be in a rush, or whatever. Just because one person runs into a celebrity in the street and doesn't get to have a magical moment with them doesn't mean that that celebrity is a jerk.
Still, there are some celebs that are awful. Some people clearly get famous and think, "Well, that means that I'm better than non-famous people." It's really awful when you hear stories about celebrities who treat people in the service industry terribly. I don't care how famous you are, be nice to people like waiters and bell hops. Reddit has an entire page devoted to outing celebrities who are jerks. I combed through it to find the worst examples and collected them here. Apparently, Rachael Ray is a real monster. Remember that the next time she's on TV showing you how to make quick grilled cheese sandwich.
16. Michael Jordan
According to Dempowerz, Michael Jordan greets fans by telling them to "go away." I'm never buying Hanes underwear again.
2. Denzel Washington
According to the_pineapple_house, Denzel Washington is rude to people. Not a lot of details, just that he's just a rude person. This made my girlfriend really sad because she knows the entire script of American Gangster by heart.
3. John Malkovich
When John Malkovich throws a party, don't get in his way. Even if he's technically trespassing and being super loud. According to DumbledoresAtheist, he'll just threaten to buy the place and have you fired.
4. Fred Durst
I guess Fred Durst is still famous? Just kidding, he's not. But when he was, he was super rude to people, according to Abstractify.
5. Hilary Duff
According to rhorewyn, Hilary Duff doesn't have time for fans. By fans, they meant five-year-old girls who politely asked her for an autograph, because they're the only ones who still think she's relevant.
6. Zach Braff
Zach Braff caught a lot of grief for trying to use Kickstarter to fund a movie. I guess he deserved it, because according to VOZ1, the guy is a spoiled brat who's difficult to work with and treats production crew members terribly.
7. Jeremy Piven
I think Jeremy Piven might have let his Entourage success go to his head a little bit. He's has had a mostly unsuccessful film career, and according to WhiteChevelle, he "mean mugs" at fans. Mean mugs?! How dare he! Also, he's apparently a crappy tipper: He tried leaving Entourage DVDs as a tip at Nobu and got banned from the chain. (Ari Gold would never.)
8. Jamie Lee Curtis
According to pdxgirl78, don't try to talk to Jamie Lee Curtis unless you're also a famous or important person. Apparently, Curtis doesn't like talking to "regular" folk.
9. Jennifer Lopez
It's fairly common knowledge that J-Lo can be difficult to work with. According to Paroxysm80, Jennifer Lopez once drove a staff member at an army base to tears during one of her USO tours.
10. Zooey Deschanel
According to the loudestlion, Zooey Deschanel's adorkable thing is just an act. She's really just "a mean person," but that term isn't as marketable as "adorkable."
11. Rachael Ray
According to ShaneEnochs, Rachael Ray is a real monster. She apparently treats hotel staff very rudely. I guess when you a semi-famous TV chef, you no longer have to be polite to people.
12. Katherine Heigl
According to soundswise, Katherine Heigl is pretty awful. Also, according to a bunch of people who have publicly talked badly about her, including Shonda Rhimes. including .
13. Demi Lovato
According to teen-laqueefa, Demi Lovato used to be a bully back when she was in school. Then people started calling her fat, and all of the sudden she hates bullies. (Also, going to rehab and being treated for bi-polar and eating disorders probably helped her be a better person, too.)
14. Ben Stiller
According to Ehzranight, comedian Ben Stiller is terrible to work with. He yells at everyone for every little mistake, like not putting enough sugar in his coffee. And according to a recent Howard Stern interview, he also was always rude to family friend Joan Rivers and never made amends with her before she died.
15. Lucille Ball
According to arnefesto, Lucille Ball (from I Love Lucy) refused to speak to "the help." Another way to say "the help" is "person who has a job so they can pay their rent and buy food."
1. Mike Myers
Apparently, Mike Myers didn't learn anything about friendship from all of those Shrek movies he made. According to Reddit user SteroidSandwich, film crews should avoid even making eye contact with Myers.