Is The Daily Grind Killing The Passion In Your Marriage? [VIDEO]
Want to have sexy times on the daily? You've just got to get a little creative!

Your love for your husband is unrelenting, there's no question about it. But for many women, the everyday grind of life can cause their sex life to dwindle down to nothing.
Even for women who deeply love their husbands, the lack of intimacy can disappear. Stress, exhaustion, kids... it all adds up. And when the whole world becomes a bigger priority than your marriage, the inevitable happens. Sex and connection disappear.
The good news is, you're not doomed to live in a sexless marriage. But before you can fix it, you need to understand it.
So when did things go wrong?
Here's the brutal truth. Changes like these aren't always sudden. If you want to figure out where this shift occurred, you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your marriage. Is there anything you did (or didn't do) that can account for why your sex life has become so lackluster?
We get it. You barely have any time in your busy schedule to take care of your own needs, let alone have sex. But there comes a time when being pulled in a thousand directions is merely an excuse. We are all busy. The people who have sex lives are the ones who make it a priority.
So we ask you this: can you honestly say that you have made time for your husband and your marriage?
If you hate feeling like your marriage is in jeopardy, then you need to listen to After Nine Tonight's Dr. Suzanne and Doug Olds. They've been there and they know what it's like to constantly put other things before their sex life.
So how does someone rev up a lackluster sex life?
Suzy and Doug swear by erotic films. And not necessarily XXX rate ones. In fact, they wanted to show the world that a little erotica can go a long way to set the mood. After all, all it really takes for two people who passionately love each other to rekindle their flame is interest.
Watching their sexy films is a sure fire way to get back on track. In fact, there are research studies that prove that watching erotica together is one of the most effective ways to bring back that passion you once felt.
In one study conducted with 44 couples, the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that, "Participants viewing both the erotic and exciting films reported equivalent increases in excitement; however, the erotic film [rating was] more generally arousing and increased participant's desires [for] their partner."
Did you hear that? That means that not only will erotic films help rev up your sex drive, it will actually bring you closer together.
We don't know about you but those sound like pretty great odds to us.
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Photo: Weheartit