6 Sex Terms That DEFINITELY Don’t Mean What You Think They Mean
Hate to break it to you: You're using these expressions wrong.

There's some pretty wild sex terms out there - whether it's positions, toys, or scenarios - and much of it is as hilarious as it is confusing. But for every time we finally feel "hip" and understand an expression, there's one we have absolutely no clue about! Here's 6 sex terms you're probably getting wrong:
1. Daisy Chain
Despite what this term suggests, there’s no flowers involved! “Named after a string of daisy flowers linked together into a necklace, the sexed-up version of the daisy chain requires at least three participants, but five or more makes it all the more fun,” says Astroglide's Resident Sexologist, Dr. Jess. To create a "daisy chain," you lie in a circle and go down on one another to create a full chain.
2. Non-Monogamy
“So much of the public seems to assume that "non-monogamy" means a free-for-all, where either member of the couple has unprotected intercourse with whomever they like,” says Nicole Prause, PhD, an Associate Research Scientist. But that's not true. Non-monogamy covers anything from going to a strip club to having a threesomes to being a swinger. Scientists struggle to study non-monogamy exactly because the forms vary so widely.
3. The Rusty Trombone
Have a fetish for the guy in the band? We all do, but this term has nothing to do with that. “The Rusty Trombone involves going down on a man’s butt from behind while reaching around to stroke his shaft like you’re, well, playing a trombone!” says Dr. Jess.
4. The Angry Dragon
Picture your Disney movies of youth, and now imagine the fire-breathing ferocious dragon. There's no surprise then, that it's also the term for when a guy cums in his partner's mouth and then fluid comes out of her nose! She'll look sort of like an angry dragon when she gets up!
5. Ski Poling
Not into winter sports? Don’t worry – this is your ticket to après ski! “You lie on your back and reach behind your shoulders to jerk off two penises at the same time!” says Dr. Jess.
6. Dogging
We all love our pups but this is a whole other playground. “It’s not about doggie-style in the UK. Dogging refers to having sex in public (often in a park) while others watch!” says Dr. Jess.
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