12 Times You Should Absolutely NOT Sext (Under Any Circumstances)
Yeahhhhh, just don't do it.

You just started talking to a guy you met and your text conversations have been going swimmingly. He seems sweet and you think maybe you two have a connection. Maybe you've been on a date or two, maybe not, but either way, you think this one might be a keeper.
And then the unthinkable happens: he starts sexting you. Well, that certainly caught you off-guard. Do you send a sext back to be flirty, or stop responding altogether? You like this guy and want him to stay interested, right? So, you read up on all the articles online about proper sexting etiquette, and think you've got it down.
You start with a simple, "Hey sexy ;)" to get things moving. What are you expecting in return? Something smooth, flirty and a little dirty, but you're definitely not expecting him to reply with vulgar sexts that equate to a porn video, followed by unwarrented dick pics. You find yourself in an awkward position.
Let's face it: if you don't know how to sext, things can get weird pretty fast. And unless you're in a long-distance or committed relationship, where you rely on technology to keep in touch with your partner, sexting is just NOT sexy.
In fact, it's probably not anyone's first choice on how to interact sexually with someone, although some people find it sexy. Others might do it, but in the back of their minds they would rather be doing just about anything else.
And according to one study, 55 percent of women and 48 percent of men cave into unwanted sexting. Women in particular know this struggle all-too-well, like when the guy you met at the bar or the male acquaintance you've known for a few days try sending you sexts just to get in your pants. Just like getting your acceptance letter from Hogwarts, it's just not going to happen.
We may as well accept that sexting is officially not sexy, and here are 12 reasons why.
1. You're not in the mood to sext, but you don't want to be lame so you go along with it. Well, I'm not going anywhere tonight so might as well get liquored up and do this instead.
2. The person you're sexting with is an atrocious speller. Um, did you just butt text me or do you really misspell words like that?
3. They send you unsolicited d*ck pictures! "He sent me this out of the blue and it got me so hot!" said no woman ever.
4. His weird fantasy comes out and just ruins the mood. You want to do what to my what?!
5. You try to steer the conversation elsewhere but the guy won't let it go. OK, we're done.
6. Anything you say remotely romantic, he thinks is a sign you want to sext. I CAN'T!
7. He starts getting too crass. Sorry man, this is as crass as I get.
8. He takes pictures in the bathroom, thinking they are cool. Oh... Nice toilet?
9. Your phone dies just when it was getting good. Why does the world hate me?!
10. A picture he sends was clearly taken at another time. Isn't that the hairstyle you had six months ago?
11. You might receive a sext that was clearly for someone else. What a weird way to remind me that I'm all alone...
12. You receive a sext that inexplicably has another person in it. Is this your way of trying to turn this into a sexting threeway? Because I'm not into that.