Love Your Baby? Protect Them With These DIY Childproof Hacks
Ideas culled from genius parents around the internet.

How many times do you have to tell your child not to touch something/to take their hands off/to stay away from something before you decide to go for it and childproof that drawer? Or light switch? Kitchen cabinet? Fridge? (Okay, you get the idea.)
For some of us, one week of a nosy crawler is enough to call in the reinforcements and head to Buy Buy Baby. Others can take their time, attempting to teach their kids a lesson before giving in. Either way — at some point, we all wind up taking the childproofing route, whether we choose a minimal approach or full-on, Fort Knox style.
While there are a few safety concerns that shouldn't be jury-rigged (we highly suggest you buy a flat screen TV anchor — those statistics are just too scary), there are quite a few things you can hack yourself with stuff you have lying around the house if you're feeling handy and/or inventive. Click on the link below to find a slideshow of our fave childproofing hacks, culled from genius parents around the world.
Find the slideshow here: Is Your Toddler Into Everything? Try These DIY Childproofing Hacks
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