21 Reasons 'Insurgent's Theo James Is Our New Man Crush
Theo James is about to take over the world as Four in the new trilogy series 'Insurgent'.

Insurgent releases this Friday and we could not be more excited! The movie is about a dystopian society — you know how it goes ... genocide, war, government control, etc.
What we really want to talk about is Theo James, who plays the leading male character, Four. Seriously, where did this man come from? Heaven?
He is physically perfect and ever since being cast, we've been freaking out over him. Here, all the reasons you should be obsessing over Theo James, too:
1. First of all, look at him:
2. Seriously, Theo James is a perfect specimen of a human being:
3. If James Franco and Ryan Phillippe had a baby, it would be Theo James:
4. Plus, he's British so when he talks, you die a little bit inside:
5. On top of the whole sexy Brit thing, he is playing Four, who is by far one of the sexiest book characters. Ever:
6. No, seriously, Christian Grey looks weak compared to Four. Four is literally the strongest, most mysterious and intriguing man in the world:
7. Recognize Theo from somewhere? That's because he was on one episode of Downton Abbey and you still haven't forgotten him:
8. We are insanely jealous Lady Mary got to hook up with him on-screen (even though he died right after. RIP Kemal):
9. He was born Theodore Peter James Kenneth Taptiklis. Basically, they needed five names because three just wasn't good enough for this perfect man:
10. Theo has five siblings and has said that he admires his parents above everyone else in the world:
11. Also, although his rock band Shere Khan isn't together anymore, he was a singer and guitarist. Yum:
12. In case you are wondering, he's 29 years old, so we don't have to feel awkward about our new YA series obsession:
13. And he's into saving the environment:
14. He starred in a one-season CBS show called Golden Boy … and he's got a shower scene in it. #worthit:
15. He mentioned once in an interview that he has a girlfriend:
16. But we've never seen her, so we will just pretend that she doesn't exist:
17. Even though we want Theo to ourselves, we kind of hope Shailene and Theo get together:
18. Did we mention how good-looking he is yet?
19. Because we really can't get over his perfect smile:
20. Or that he can turn very serious when he needs to:
21. Those arms really just speak for themselves:
We will be seeing a lot more of Theo James in the next couple years, so if you don't like him, too damn bad.
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