Republicans, Lesbians + 8 Other People Having More Orgasms Than You
How do stack up?

If we're to be really honest, I think we can all agree that we have sex because having an orgasm is the absolute best. We may also be able to admit that even when we don't climax, sex is still pretty fun... but orgasms are the absolute best!
Thanks to some very precious knowledge from sex studies, we can now all orgasm all the time by forcing ourselves to become a member of one of the following groups. (You wanted to change careers anyway, right?)
1. Get your geek on!
Of all the occupations out there, it's single men and women who have jobs in the computer and engineering fields, who have the most orgasms at a whopping 64 percent, according to the Singles in America study. Definitely gives a new meaning to the term "Computer Geek," doesn’t it?
2. Welcome to Miami ...
You'd think a cold place is where you'd find the most action — you know, to stay warm — and that would lead to the most orgasms, but apparently, it's not true. If you're looking to score high on the orgasm totem pole, then Miami is where you need to be, because 60 percent are climaxing in that city.
3. Girl power!
Who are the women getting off the most? In a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers found when having sex with a familiar partner, straight women orgasm only 63 percent of the time. Bisexual women reach the big O only 58 percent of the time. As for lesbians? They're the winners in bed. They get off 75 percent of the time.
4. Go, granny, go.
It may make you cringe to think that your grandma might be getting it on, but The American Journal found that ladies from 80 to 99 years old are far more sexually satisfied than women in their 20s and 30s. Such satisfaction may even help women live longer.
5. Take THAT, Apple!
The Singles in America study found that those who use Androids as opposed to any other smartphone, orgasm the most. Just how much more? Fifty-five percent more. Time for a new phone??
6. Oh so "right"
Yes, Republicans are having way more orgasms than members of any other political party. You can pick your jaw up now. The reason for this may be because they're so sure in their values that it leads to lots of relaxation, and in turn, lots of orgasms.
7. Ginger-iffic!
Actually, blondes do not have more fun after all. At a 41 percent orgasm rate, it's redheads who get off the most. Second in line are the blondes at 36 percent, but no word on the brunettes. However, the study doesn't specify if these redheads and blondes have to be natural or not in order to enjoy this perk.
8. More macho, please
If you're one of those women out there who prefer ultra-masculine men, then you're totally in luck. A study by Penn State researchers found that women whose partners are oozing at the seams with manliness orgasm pretty much all the time. And, if you're looking to make a baby, such a man and his extra manly seed with also aid in getting you preggers.
9. Repeat offenders
While this in no way suggests you hook up with your ex, the Singles in America study did find that 44 percent of people orgasm 90 to 100 percent of the time when they're having sex with someone they've done it with many times before. Makes sense; practice does make perfect.
10. Wallet size matters
According to a study from Newcastle University, wealthy men "cause women to experience more orgasms." They're unsure as to exactly why, but there's speculation these women are more relaxed, have higher estrogen levels or are intrinsically more orgasmic.
So maybe this is what gold diggers are really after ...