24 Fun Valentine's Day Surprises For The Guy You Love The Most
Surprises to make his heart swell with love.

The rush induced by surprises is one of the most overlooked and underrated ways to keep a relationship fun and exciting. There's no better time to surprise the guy you love than Valentine's Day. Even famed psychologist and bestselling author Esther Perel suggests that a break in routine and doing the unexpected helps to wire the brain for connection.
As Perel explains, it's not the specific action you take, but rather the idea of introducing something new and unexpected that infuses your relationship with the passion, radiance, and anticipation it craves. The best part of a Valentine's Day surprise? It doesn't require fancy shops or expensive gifts — just an attitude of fun.
24 fun Valentine's Day surprises for the man you love most
1. Hit the road without a destination in mind
What's more romantic than hitting the open road on a carefree voyage to lord-knows-where? It's anyone's guess which inn or B&B you will be spending the night in, and there's something romantic about that kind of caution-to-the-wind adventure.
2. Stage a hilarious, good-natured prank
We've been so inspired by ingenious viral pranks we're starting to think this might be one of the coolest ways to surprise your significant other — with a carefully orchestrated jump scare that will have him in stitches (from laughter, of course!). Follow it up with a big Valentine's Day hug and kiss.
3. Hire a babysitter or send the kids to grandparents on the sly
Finding someone to care for your kids for an entire evening takes planning, but if you do it secretly, then that adults-only evening will be a thrilling surprise for your boo. Imagine expecting to come home to the happy chaos you've grown accustomed to and, instead, finding your partner decked out and bathed in the candlelight. Enough said.
4. Get tickets to see his favorite sport
He loses himself in the game; You lose your mind. Fair. But just this once, take one for the team. Ask him, "Are you watching football on TV again this Sunday?" And when he shamelessly nods in the affirmative, shake your head and say, "No you're not because we're going to watch it together — in person."
It's a kind act and an investment in your good surprise account. Even better, you get two great Valentine's Day gifts: one the night you gift it, the other when you actually attend/
5. Throw a surprise party for two
Miljan Zivkovic via Shutterstock
Nothing against surprise parties with your friends, family, and coworkers. Those are great. But something about coming home to a house full of streamers, balloons, and your partner in a party hat shouting "surprise!" and popping open a bottle of champers is awesome in an adorably ridiculous way.
6. Scrawl your love on the bathroom mirror
The next time you take a shower, write a sweet missive in the condensation on the mirror. You won't be able to read it once the steam clears, but it'll reemerge when he takes his shower. Aww, you're such a romantic. Start this tradition on Valentine's Day and then do it every week for a sweet tradition.
7. Hide a funny note in his wallet
If your partner is anticipating having a difficult or stressful day, jot down an inside joke that always makes you two lose it, and put it in his wallet — you know he has to check that during the day. Make him laugh when he least expects it, and you'll be bonding while you're not even together.
8. Request a day off for him
Get your partner's boss on the horn and arrange for a "secret" vacation day for both of you. That morning, wake him up with a, "Don't you wish we didn't have to go to work today? Well, guess what? We don't!" It's the adult version of a snow day.
9. Dig his car out of the snow
Speaking of snow days, many Valentine's Days are freezing cold. If you're lucky enough to get snow, wake up early and do it for him this time. Just don't tell him. Let him find out for himself as he crabbily drags his shovel out the front door. Then take a picture of the look on his face when he walks back in!
No snow? Cook breakfast or prep his favorite coffee. Any little surprise counts.
10. Pick up the tab at guys' night
Not cool: showing up at guys' night out. Totally cool: calling the restaurant (or bar, at your own risk) in advance and picking up the tab, if that's something you can afford to do.
11. Send a love note via the post office
Remember mailboxes? Toss a very sweet, handwritten love letter to your beloved in one, and he will have a very sweet surprise to discover when all he's expecting are (more) bills.
12. Restore something precious to him
Does he cherish an old, tattered picture of his great grandparents? Have it digitally restored and framed — just because. A worn-out pair of boots that belonged to a beloved family member? Have them resoled and shined up. It's a surprise that will hit him right in the heart.
13. Fix an annoying thing that's broken
He'll never curse the drawer that fell off its track or the tricky lock again, and the surprise and relief on his face when he realizes it's back to normal will be priceless. Some gifts don't come in a box.
14. Change the desktop wallpaper on your shared computer or Smart TV background
Take a hilarious, goofy selfie and upload it as your shared desktop wallpaper, right before he sits down to finish a major project for work. Add a sweet little Valentine's Day note and you're good to go.
15. Jump in the shower
What if you interrupted his regular scheduled morning routine by hopping in the shower with him? Hey, you need to get clean too. And he may need another cold shower while he replays the surprise in his mind all day.
16. Take a massage class
Then surprise your partner with a therapeutic massage, as opposed to your usual, well-intentioned yet random rubdown. He'll be able to tell the difference, and he'll wonder what the hell is going on quite frankly.
17. Plan a pop-up picnic
Andrii Nekrasov via Shutterstock
Tell him to meet you in the park. He'll expect a stroll, but what he'll get will make him swoon. Seriously: picnics rock.
18. Dance
Break out the dance songs and kick off your shoes for a spontaneous night of fancy footwork. Don't plan it, just do it. Few things are more fun and cost absolutely nothing.
19. Have your friends plan a date night for you
Tired of wondering, "What should we do tonight?" Give your best friends a budget and have them plan a date night for you. You'd better be game for anything because neither of you will be in on it!
20. Hire a songwriter to write a song about your love
If you're a musician, this one's expected. But if you're not? An amazingly romantic surprise. Most people go through an entire lifetime never having a love song written about them. But your partner isn't most people.
21. Send a list of memories
You probably remember things about your relationship — a funny thing he said, the outfit he wore on your first date, a gesture you thought was so selfless and kind that your partner doesn't. So surprise him with a list of these random memories that are floating in your head. Easy for you, a super special surprise for him.
22. Book a hotel room in your hometown
You don't have to go on vacation to be in vacation mode. Book it for Valentine's night or make a sweet little gift certificate for double the fun.
23. Fill his music app with new tunes or make him a playlist
He'll be scrolling through, thinking, "huh?" until he realizes it wasn't the playlist fairy who made his commute unexpectedly awesome this morning.
Or, if he's particular about his playlists, make him you know he'd love and give it a sweet title like You're The Best or Because I Love You.
24. Make a plan to take him to a reading by his favorite author (and dinner after)
Concert tickets are a sweet surprise, but even more unexpected is a trip to watch his favorite author, or the author of the new book he's raving about, giving a public reading. Especially if he had no idea the author was in town. It's unlikely you'll find one actually on Valentine's Day so plan a sweet day around it.
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