10 Brave Guys Reveal What They REALLY Think Of Your Sex Toy Drawer
What do guys think of what you've got stashed away?

Almost every woman has one — and every guy is dying to get inside of it. So, just what does a girl keep inside her goodie drawer?
The answer's not so simple. A goodie drawer is home to our most playful, kinky and adventurous sex toys, some condoms, lube and a ton of other toys and props that play into our most wild, lustful and sexual desires.
(And if we're really being honest, there's probably a handful of random crap in there that we had no other place to store.) And with a new study from Trojan revealing that for half of users, lube makes it easier to have an orgasm, it seems sex toy drawers are an adventure — for both of us.
But is everyone down with the adventure? Recently, after Milan officials removed a sex shop's Christmas "tree of pleasure" adorned with vibrators, it reminded us that sex toys still make some people incredibly uncomfortable — even though the store owner intended to break down taboos with her decorative tree.
And while every woman's drawer is different, what do guys think of women's sex toys? And how do they feel when you're the first to suggest some sexy-time toys? You'd be surprised.
Let's get kinky.
Trojan discovered that 6 out of 10 men think vibrators can make sex with a partner more exciting, and Jarrett, 28, agrees. He really likes it when a girl he's dating suggests bringing something else into the mix. "It makes it more fun, and I know that’s obviously played with these toys before and they add to her pleasure — and seeing her pleased is definitely going to please me."
And for Sean, 25, he says that the world waiting behind the door is one he wants to see — and soon. "I'm really into girls that know what they want sexually. I've dated a few girls who've had a well-stocked goodie drawer and a few that were just finding out what they liked in the bedroom. I'm not turned off by toys (or no toys), but it definitely says to me that you know what you want in the bedroom and you're not afraid to ask for it."
"I can show you the world…"
Tommy, 29, started singing the famed Aladdin song when asked about the contents of a girl's sex toy drawer and how it made him feel. Through giggles, he said, "Knowing that a girl has one — and that she wants to use it — tells me that she's going to take me on a sexual adventure through her pleasures and what satisfies her. And I think that's sexy as hell."
Jay, 23, says that though a goodie drawer is a little intimidating, it's the confidence in what a woman wants that's more attractive and exciting than anything. "It's kind of like she's saying, 'come, see how I do it.' And I'm really attracted to a confident woman."
It's a little intimidating ...
Not every girl is chomping at the bit when it comes to where you're hiding your goodies. Eric, 26, says that it's a little intimidating when a girl has a bigger world of sexual wonder than he does. "I don't mean it to be a bad thing," he says, "or to insult anyone … but imagine you're dating this amazing girl and once night in bed she's like, 'Let's play with my whip! And these handcuffs.' If you're not ready for it, it can be intimidating — and that's kind of a turn-off."
While Cole, 30, says that though he's a fan of toys, it's more of a matter of guys confidence. "I've been with a lot of women who want to use toys and then I've also been with plenty of women who'd rather not. It's not that I prefer one over the other, but if I'm really being honest, being with a girl who's really, really into toys almost makes me feel like having sex with me isn't enough, you know? Like we need all these toys because I'm not cutting it."
And Ryan, 33, felt the same. "I'd never tell a girl this — and I can't believe I'm telling you this — but sometimes," he says, "guys might feel like they're bad in bed if a girl they're with wants to use toys and props. I know a guy shouldn’t feel like that, because if a girl didn't want to sleep with him, then she just doesn't want to sleep with him, but, still, guys might sometimes feel like they’re bad in bed. It's a huge blow to our egos."
Bring it on!
It's one thing to have a goodie drawer, but another to actually be the first to suggest its use. If a guy knows it's there, should he be the first to ask to introduce those toys — or should it come from the girl?
"They're her toys," says Dominic, 26, "so she should be the one to want to use them. Especially if you've just started dating. I don't care what people say, but manners matter — especially when it comes to your sex drawer."
"Okay, you've got sex toys, and the person you're sleeping with obviously knows that they're there too. And you know that they're there. So, I don't think it matters at all just who suggests it’s time to use them. Once the word is out, it's fair game," says Andy, 28.
"I'd be really hesitant to ask a girl to use her toys," says Paul, 24. "I think it should come from her."