24 Signs You Are 100% Addicted To The 'Scandal' TV Show

Thursday nights are reserved for two things: Olivia Pope and red wine.

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It's hard to lead an exciting life when Olivia Pope and her team of Gladiators do it so much better, right?

Every week you cozy up with your red wine and DVR to watch Kerry Washington take over the world ... and there's no judgment over here.

And honestly, staying safe and sound at home is much better than dealing with, you now, people. (shudder)


We understand.

t's basically impossible not to be completely obsessed—so warning—here are the symptoms that may occur when you have an addiction to the Scandal TV show.

1. When someone asks you to go out on a Thursday night:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Tumblr


2. Every morning you look in the mirror and remind yourself that you're a Gladiator:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Giphy


3. You occasionally cheer out loud when something finally goes right for David Rosen:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Photobucket


4. You've been dreaming of the day you get to use an Olivia Pope line on a man:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Uproxx


5. Nothing impresses you more about Olivia Pope than her ability to not spill red wine on her white clothing:

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6. You've started to worry that Barack and Michelle may have marital problems:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal mrwgifs


7. You are thankful everyday that Shonda Rhimes was born to create such an amazing show:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal PandaWhale


8. When you found out about Olivia's dad, you were like:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal ReactionGifs


9. You really want to hate Charlie the assassin, but you really can't quite get over that he used to date Rachel Green:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Giphy


10. You have the perfect line for the moment you meet real life Olivia Pope, Judy Smith:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Uproxx


11. Any time you see Kerry Washington IRL you stop all things to watch her:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Giphy


12. When people try to argue that Revenge is better than Scandal:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Tumblr


13. When Huck is sad you can't even control your emotions:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Hollyscoop


14. Friends have grown annoyed of your constant need to "fix" their problems:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Imgur


15. You've prepared a speech for when your father reveals his true identity as Command of B613:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Tumblr


16. When Netflix started airing season two, you were like:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Buzzfeed


17. Somewhere on your computer is a Photoshop document of what you would look like with Kerry Washington's perfect lips:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Imgur


18. You have always been 100% committed to Fitz:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Amazon


19. But you've been confused this season because Jake is sexy:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal mshcdn


20. You have a serious love-hate relationship with Mellie Grant and Cyrus Bean:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Tumblr


21. You've officially adopted "It's handled" as your personal catchphrase:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal ReactionGifs


22. You've started going after emotionally unavailable men because Olivia Pope makes it seem appealing:

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23. When you sit down to watch the show and realize it's a re-run:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal ReactionGifs


24. Because your life is just not complete without Olivia and her Gladiators:

Signs You're Addicted To Scandal Favim
