Property Brothers' Jonathan Scott May Be The Perfect Boyfriend
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Jonathan Scott makes up one half of the twin brother duo starring in HGTV's hit series, Property Brothers. When he's not tackling new real estate projects, transforming fixer uppers into dream homes, he's busy wooing the ladies with helicopter tours and sentimental scavenger hunts.
What was the last thing you did to show a partner you love her?
Jonathan Scott: I'm all about spontaneous adventure and good laughs. With a former girlfriend, I created website treasure map filled with our quirks and memories that led her on a journey to find items and clues that would eventually lead up to our romantic evening together. Instead of just getting a gift, I like to show my partner that I spent time really thinking about them.
What couple do you most admire and why?
Jonathan Scott: Hands down, my parents. After almost 50 years of being happily married, they still make each other laugh. They still hold hands and do romantic things for each other ... and they still don't mind making a fool out of themselves in front of the other. If I find even a fraction of the happiness that they have, I'd be a 'rich' man.
What's the best love advice you ever heard?
Jonathan Scott: To never stop inspiring and surprising the person you love and allow them to do the same for you.
I'm a sucker for a woman who _______________.
Jonathan Scott: has a great laugh and honest eyes.
How do you keep your relationship solid and happy?
Jonathan Scott: Communication and 100% honesty even when it's not the stuff that's easy to hear.
What's your most romantic memory?
Jonathan Scott: Years before I ever lived in Las Vegas, I set up a romantic helicopter tour of Las Vegas to 'one up' the champagne limo tour we had done on a previous visit. This time was a little different because it was nighttime and I had pre-arranged to have a custom romantic message projected 40' tall on the desert floor. It shined bright as day and brought her to tears [smiles].
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Jonathan Scott: I believe in lust at first sight but don't believe you can be in love with somebody until you've spent time to really learn who they are. I have absolutely met women who took my breath away and left me wondering if they could be a great match for me. But until we have taken the time to connect ... it's not love [smiles].
What's the most meaningful compliment a partner ever paid you?
Jonathan Scott: That I inspire them.
When was the last time you surprised your partner? What did you do?
Jonathan Scott: I have been known to randomly take out classified ads to make her laugh or to make a statement. These are always in good fun and with the ultimate goal in mind of making her smile.
Do you believe in "The One"?
Jonathan Scott: I believe there are people in the world with whom you are highly compatible and others with whom you are not. I do not believe that there is only one person who can make you happy, nor do I believe if 'the one' got away, you will never find love again. We as humans continually change and evolve ... I think our preferences do as well. The perfect partner, in my opinion, is somebody that will grow and evolve with you so that together you are greater than the sum of your parts.
How do you resolve disagreements with your significant other?
Jonathan Scott: I am incredibly patient and never sweat the small stuff. I'm also very good at putting myself in the other person's shoes and understanding what they are trying to get out of a situation. Rarely does it ever have to be my way or hers. Most often, it's simply a lighthearted conversation and a realization that neither direction is going to vastly alter the state of the universe. I'm quite OK "picking my battles" and at the end of the day enjoy making her happy.
Which celebrity couple would you love to double date with?
Jonathan Scott: Well I'm tired of double dating with Drew and his girlfriend so if you have a suggestion, please let me know [laughs].