66 Best 'The Office' Love Quotes From Jim And Pam (+ Others At Dunder Mifflin)
Whether you're watching 'The Office' for the 1st time or the 100th, these love quotes never get old.

While plenty of 'The Office' quotes regularly leave us laughing no matter how many times we've heard them, we can't forget about Jim and Pam's love quotes that give us total couple goals.
Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly (now Pam Beesly-Halpert) of 'The Office' easily make up one of the most-loved TV couples ever.
We've seen every stage of their falling in love, from their first date, their wedding, their babies, and their ups and downs — and they remind us a lot of ourselves, only funnier, which explains why they're so universally adored.
And while Jim and Pam may be considered the reigning 'Office' couple, we can't forget the other quirky romances that occurred in the Dunder Mifflin office.
Even though the series has wrapped, we're forever able and willing to binge-watch 'The Office' online.
Relive the good times with the best 'The Office' love quotes.
Jim and Pam Love Quotes
1. "Plan A was marrying her a long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her." — Jim Halpert
2. "You are everything." — Jim
3. "I am about to do something very bold in this job that I've never done before ... try." — Jim
4. "Everything I have I owe to this job ... this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job." — Jim
5. "All right, then it's a date." — Jim
6. "The future mother of my children." — Jim
7. "Got it a week after we started dating." — Jim
8. "I was just ... I'm in love with you." — Jim
9. "And a lot of people told me I was crazy to wait this long for a date with a girl who I worked with, but I think, even then I knew, I was waiting for my wife." — Jim
10. "When you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates. My kids are gonna be right about that." — Pam Beesly
11. "I don't know what you want me to tell you, man. All I know is that every time I've been faced with a tough decision, there's only one thing that outweighs every other concern. One thing that will make you give up on everything you thought you knew, every instinct, every rational calculation — love." — Jim
12. “No matter what happens, you gotta forget about all the other stuff. You gotta forget about logic and fear and doubt. You just gotta do everything you can to get to the one woman who’s gonna make all this worth it. At the end of the day, you gotta jump.” — Jim
13. "Four years ago I was just a guy who had a crush on a girl who had a boyfriend. And I had to do the hardest thing I ever had to do, which was just to wait." — Jim
14. "Not 'enough' for me? You are everything." — Jim
15. "It's like a long book that you never want to end and you're fine with that, because you just never want to leave it." — Pam
16. "You came up to my desk and said, 'This may sound weird, and there's no reason for me to know this, but that mixed berry yogurt you're about to eat has expired." — Pam
"That was the moment that you liked me?" — Jim
"Yup." — Pam
"Wow. Can we make it a different moment?" — Jim
"Nope." — Pam
17. "I just looked up from my cereal. And I said, 'You know what I want to do today? I want to marry you.'" — Jim
"I had just woken up. I didn't look cute. That's how I knew he meant it." — Pam
18. "Pam and I would sometimes hum the same high-pitched note and try to get Dwight to make an appointment with an ear doctor." — Jim
19. "You gotta take a chance on something, sometimes." — Jim
20. "Do you want me to beat him up for ya? — Pam
"No, I shouldn't have to ask you to do stuff like that. You should just do it." — Jim
21. "The warehouse got a ping-pong table last week. Now Jim comes down and plays with Darryl. Sometimes I bring him juice. My boyfriend is 12." — Pam
22. "And when it happens it's going to kick your a** Beesly." — Jim
"I've been warned." — Pam
23. "What happened? Did you miss your bus?" — Pam
"No, I just missed my wife." — Jim
24. "No. I'm such a dorky dancer." — Pam
"I know. And it's very cute." — Jim
25. "Hey, you look just as I imagined you. Pam, you're so pretty." — Jim
26. "There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kinda the point?" — Pam
27. "I'm not crazy, she's crazy." — Jim
28. "So, are you gonna be, like, totally awkward around me now?" — Pam
"Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hope that's okay." — Jim
29. "Wow. We should have started dating, like, a long time ago." — Jim
Michael and Holly Love Quotes
30. "Holly and I are like Romeo and Juliet. And this office is like the dragon that kept them apart." — Michael Scott
31. "Well, got almost everybody, so... Holly's my family now. She's my family. And the babies that I make with her will be my children. The people that you work with are just, when you get down to it, your very best friends. They say on your deathbed you never wish you spent more time at the office, but I will. Got to be a lot better than a deathbed. I actually don't understand deathbeds. I mean, who would buy that?" — Michael
32. "This is where I fell in love with you. And this is where I ask you to marry me. It started with, Holly Flax, marrying me will you be?" — Michael
"Your wife becoming me will I." — Holly Flax
33. "Thanks to Toby, I have a very strong prejudice against human resources. I believe that the department is a breeding ground for monsters. What I failed to consider, though, is that not all monsters are bad. Like E.T. Is Holly our extraterrestrial? Maybe. Or maybe she's just an awesome woman from this planet." — Michael
34. "My resolution? I never want to make Holly cry again. Unless it's from laughing too hard. Or making love too beautifully." — Michael
35. "I cannot keep myself from Michael. Everything he does is sexy. He has this undeniable animal magnetism. He's a jungle cat. The man exudes sex. He can put both his legs behind his head." — Holly
36. "I haven't thought about you having to go back to Nashua." — Michael
"Maybe we didn't want to think about it. We can make it work. We'll date long-distance." — Holly
"That's what we said last time. Remember? We broke up on the drive. How's this gonna be any different?" — Michael
"We weren't in love last time." — Holly
"I was in love with you." — Michael
"I'm not saying it won't be hard. But we can make it work. That's what she said." — Holly
37. "Holly and I can never be just friends. I wrote down a list of bullet points why Holly and I should be together, and I'm going to find the perfect moment today and I am going to tell her. Number one: 'Holly, you and I are soup snakes.' The... And the reason is... Because... in terms of the soup, we like to... that doesn't make any sense. We're soul mates. Holly and I are soul mates." — Michael
38. "Yes, hello Mr. Flax this is Michael Scott, your daughter's boss. I am calling because I am going to have to fire your daughter Holly because she is such a terrible employee. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I'm actually calling because I'm in love with her. I love your daughter, and I have for some time. And I would like to discuss my intentions with you... which are to ask her to marry me. And I was just hoping you would give me your approval. And this isn't a joke. So call me back, when you get this. And I look forward to speaking. Thank you." — Michael
39. "Hey, you know why people here are complaining? They are jealous of two people in love on Valentine's Day." — Michael
"Two people in love?" — Holly
"I love you." — Michael
40. "Holly and I are dating. It’s been a week, and I still can’t believe it." — Michael
41. "Wow, you love me-love me. I love you-love you." — Holly
Dwight and Angela Love Quotes
42. "I will raise a hundred children with a hundred of your lovers if it means I can be with you." — Dwight Schrute
43. "I just want to be friends. Plus a little extra. Also, I love you." — Dwight
44. “This expresses how loudly I love you!” — Dwight
45. "We have wasted too much of our lives ignoring the fact that we belong together." — Dwight
46. "I love him." — Angela Martin
47. "The eighty or ninety years I have left in this life. I wanna spend with you." — Dwight
Andy and Erin Love Quotes
48. "I’m in Florida to get Erin... My heart is my map." — Andy Bernard
49. "Gabe is not coming, which is huge because my plan is to make Erin fall back in love with me tonight." — Andy
50. "Andy! Andy wait! Don’t go! Andy I love you! Stop!" — Erin Hannon
51. "I’m in love with a girl. Her name is Erin Hannon and she’s right there. She’s sweet, funny and beautiful and total relationship material." — Andy
52. "Uh, I am here to take you back to Scranton. Because I love you and I want to be with you." — Andy
Ryan And Kelly Love Quotes
53. “Whatever we deny or embrace. For worse or for better. We belong, we belong, we belong together… Ryan.” — Kelly Kapoor
54. "I finally mastered commitment!" — Ryan Howard
55. "Maybe we weren't right together, but it's weird. I'd rather she be alone than with somebody. Is that love?" — Ryan
56. "Kelly, I know you are with someone but I love you. I will wait forever." — Ryan
57. "Fall in love, have babies, spend every second together. But don’t tell him that, OK? Just tell him I’m like up for anything.” — Kelly
More Love Quotes from ‘The Office’
58. "Love… Dwight, listen, no matter what happens, you gotta forget about all the other stuff. You gotta forget about logic and fear and doubt. You just gotta do everything you can do get to the one woman who’s going to make all this worth it. At the end of the day, you gotta jump. You love Angela, Dwight. I think you always have." — Jim
59. "Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." — Michael
60. "No question about it, I am ready to get hurt again." — Michael
61. "I'm in love! I was hit by Cupid's sparrow." — Michael
62. "I mean, no matter how badly I treat you, or what I’m going through, you just, you are there for me. And that is a guy worth staying beside." — Jan Levinson
63. "Love is the water of life, drink deeply." — Michael
64. "I know a few things about love — horrible, terrible, awful, awful things." — Andy
65. "My heart is so open. I'm so at peace." — Angela
66. "If you break that girl's heart I will kill you. That's just a figure of speech. But seriously, if you break that girl's heart I will literally kill you and your whole family." — Michael
Jessica Sager is a writer and comic based in NYC.