Last Chance! Share A Funny Road Trip Story & Enter To Win $100

Take our Love on the Road survey for your chance to win $100!

love on the road

Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner. There's a sunny thought to fight the midwinter blues, right?

When we think summer, we daydream about hitting the road—weekend getaways to the beach and countryside, cross-country road trips, and most of all, spending time in the car with someone special. There's nothing like a long car ride to provide space for getting to know someone better—or for reconnecting with a long-term love.


With this in mind, we've teamed up with Ford to host our second annual "Love on the Road" survey in order to hear all about our readers' special couple time in the car.

Please take the Ford and YourTango "Love on the Road" survey now. It's short and fun. Plus, if you share a funny anecdote within the survey, you'll automatically be entered in the Ford "Love on the Road" contest—making you eligible to win one of five $100 gift cards.


Official rules, eligibility and contest description can be found here.

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