5 Ways Facebook's Graph Search Will Affect Your Love Life

How the social network's new tool could change the dating game.


Facebook is unveiling yet another new feature: Graph Search. But, before you freak out (remember how frightening the timeline transition was), this could be a useful new feature — especially if you're a fan of online dating and stalking exes.

The new tool, which will be separate from the regular web search bar on the site, is a way to connect with others through friends, photos, places and interests.


From meeting new connections to creeping up on old ones, see how Facebook's graph search is impacting dating. See the beta verison.

1. See Who's Single & Similiar 
Will Facebook become the new OKCupid? With this new tool, it's possible the popular social network that connects you to friends will move into dating terrority — if it hasn't already. With the new search tool, you can play matchmaker for yourself by searching your connections by relationship status and interest. Type in "friends who are single and play tennis." You may be surprised who has a lot in common with your or who's newly single. Hmm, maybe you should "like" the cute guy from the coffee shop's status after all. 


2. Meet Your Friends' Friends
Meeting through friends is still the most popular way for couples to meet, and after that comes online dating, with one in five couples now meeting online. Facebook Graph Search may be the way to combine the two. Not only can you browse your friends, but you can also search your friends' friends interests. With the search tool, you can type in "friends of friends who like The Office" or "friends of friends who are single." While it might be a more casual way of reaching out than it is on online dating sites, this tool will perhaps make it more acceptable to reach out to the cute guy in your friend's pictures online — or even off.

3. Meet New People
If you're really outgoing — and who knows, maybe this will feel more natural as we get used to the new feature — you can even find new people in your city who share similar interests. Type in "people who live nearby and like skiing."

4. Stalk Your Ex
Whether intentional or not, the graph search gives you more opportunities to virtually run into any exes you've remained Facebook friends with. Searching for friends who like skiing, have been to the best pizza place in town or live nearby can all lead you back to his profile. 

5. Let Others Stalk You
With this new feature, all of these things apply to your profile too. So even if you're not stalking your ex, he may see you now like sushi or went to his favorite bar recently. And, depending on how thorough and public your profile is, it could start to serve as your online dating profile. Read: Expect more Facebook messages from strangers.


What do you think about the Graph Search? Cool or creepy?

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