What Guys Think Links: Does Porn Make Men Dumb?
Plus, how to keep him from cheating.
Hey all. We're doing a new format this week for the guys link roundup. It's advice for guys and stuff guys say. If you're a dude, you're welcome. If you're a lady, read this stuff and get some learnin'.
A little dirty talk is pretty exciting, but it can go from hot-hot-hot to off-putting even without the use of Marquis de Sade imagery or four-and-five letter words. Modern Man has a pretty solid guide on how to get "mouthy" without being too cheeky.
Frankly, there's nothing more that regular dudes like than regular dudes being celebrated. iVillage is holding a hot dads contest and you should enroll yourself (if you're a hot dad) or a hot dad in your life. I think someone should just take a camera to Manhattan's Upper West Side. Or maybe its slightly scruffier cousin, Park Slope.
Over at eHarmony, they're all about getting people together and keeping them happy. And to that end, they have a few pieces of advice for dudes who think they may cheat and the ladies who love 'em.
Tomorrow is a big day. For some people, the once-in-a-blue moon confluence of Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, the NHL playoffs and the NBA playoffs is like New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day and Independence Day (generally thought to be the sexiest holidays) all rolled into one. Our buds at The FW have some facts about the fake Mexican Independence Day that may wow someone you'll meet over Coronas and guac, amigos.
Women screw up first dates as regularly as dudes do. Em & Lo ask their man panel for their top three faux pas that ladies make on an initial date. Sometimes you gotta throw out all the rules but seriously, don't get tattoos.
Does constant "use" of porn cause guys to be "unresponsive" when presented with the "real" thing? Per GuySpeed, many guys are so inundated with online imagery that a real lady who wants to "put it on him" isn't super-exciting. Jeebus, this is way worse than going blind.
Do you watch Celebrity Apprentice? You know the big guy with the funny voice? Not Adam Carolla. Yeah, the guy with the huge head who used to play the Hulk on television. Huffington Post has some advice on dating and World Of Warcraft from former body builder Lou Ferrigno. I believe "being really strong and don't be a hero out there" will probably sum up Lou Ferrigno's approach to Apprentice, Warcraft and dating.
More juicy content from YourTango:
- Why Cheating Can Actually *Help* Your Marriage
- 10 Signs He Wants To Kiss You — Right. This. Second.
- 13 Mistakes Grown Men Don't Realize They Make That Annoy The Women They Love
Madame Noire has their resident dude, the very sharp Damon Young, take a shot at answering some lady issues. First off, he checks in on a gal who's been dating a dude for six months, but the emotional and physical connection just isn't there. Plus, he's being kind of clingy. Normally, I'd suggest to her that she just move to a different city and get a new phone number, but he'd probably find her.
Well, I'll be an Unkie Munkle. HowAboutWe is reporting that a study (by science) says dudes are more interesting in cuddling than gals. Well, ladies, let me point out that sometimes spooning leads to forking.
What's the question everyone wants to know about relationships? After, "should I settle?" is "can men and women really be just friends?" The smartypants over at AskMen take on that age-old question. I think I'll have to answer your question with a question, "how hot are the guy and girl?"
My good buddy Jacky Summers, at Good Men Project, wonders if the world wouldn't be a much better place if we all just had more sex. Good policy. I think we should start with Jesus' (or possibly Bill Cosby's) idea that things would be much more awesome if we were all just nicer.
Our very own Amanda Chatel also moonlights at The Gloss and she has a fun dating story to tell. Evidently, men should not use a catchall placeholder pronoun as it really bugs women. Got that, Chief, Captain, Guvnah, Bru, Hoss, Mang, Homes, Dudes, Guy?
Whoa. He said, she said gets really tricky when it comes to sexual assault. The great Christopher Dickey, from The Daily Beast, takes on the Dominique Strauss-Kahn civil case and what happens to the accuser when the prosecution drops the case because they no longer think a conviction is remotely possible.
What the what? The Frisky has an account of a dude who took his wife's last name. Way to prove a point, bro. Then again, if her name was easier to spell, towards the front of the alphabet or looks cool on the back of a letterman jacket…
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