Baby Got Backpage
First dates and sex don't always go together . . . . what about first dates and the sex industry?

Seeing that I don’t ever buy sex, it didn’t really surprise me that I hadn’t heard of a popular webpage entirely devoted to selling sex. What did surprise me is that I learned about this backpage of whores for hire while on a date.
Kent and I met about a month ago after he bought the entire bar a round of drinks. This caused me to take note for a couple of reasons:
1. Kent is a tall, attractive older man
2. The bar we were in is in a seedy section of town attached to a motel
3. I would never in a million years expect to meet someone I wanted to meet there
4. Why the hell was I there?
5. How did this out-of-towner end up there?
When I ambled up to Kent to thank him for my drink and give him my business card he instantly lit up. We chatted briefly about how he got lost and found himself there, how the velvet paintings reminded us of our childhood, and how we seemed to be the only patrons with all of our teeth. I plucked his card, and then I left. I had a date after all.
The next night Diana and I went out carousing. We typically do this on Thursdays for no good reason besides the fact we’re typically both free that night of the week. When I suggested we contact Kent and see what he was up to, Diana was more than a little skeptical.