You Did What For Beads?! Tell Us Your Craziest Mardi Gras Story!

Don't be shy: Tell us tales of your sexiest Fat Tuesday debaucheries.

Mardi Gras fat tuesday

Much of the world goes wild on Mardi Gras in anticipation of the somber, reflective 40 days of Lent: Just check out these amazing photos from Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil over the weekend. Parties, food, costumes and flashing boobs for beads are all customary Fat Tuesday traditions, especially during the Mardi Gras feasts in New Orleans and other Louisiana cities. For most people, though, it's less of a religious celebration and more of an excuse to shake what your momma gave you. Admit it: You've done something crazy on Mardi Gras too! Maybe in college? Maybe you regretted it and feverishly detagged all the Facebook photos the next morning? Of course you did.

Well, what are you waiting for? Tell us your craziest, sexiest Mardi Gras story in the comments. Don't be shy!