10 Ways For Single Women To TREAT YO SELF Every Day Of The Year
No guy? More room in the bathtub for you.

Just because you're single doesn't mean you shouldn't be treated to the finer things in life. The best part about being single is doing things for yourself and on your own terms. So quit your sulking and get to pampering. It's important to be good to yourself. Here's how.
1. Buy yourself flowers for no reason.
Flowers not only brighten up a room, but can brighten up your day. Don't wait for someone else to buy you flowers — do it for yourself.
2. Take yourself out on the town.
Get dressed up and take yourself out on a date. It might be scary at first to go into a restaurant alone, but it also takes a huge amount of confidence, and confidence is sexy. Men love sexy, so you never know — you just might meet someone while you're out there.
3. Eat dessert for breakfast.
The one thing I love to do when I wake up cranky is have cupcakes for breakfast. Being an adult means deciding you can have chocolate when you first wake up, and being single means there's no one around to judge you.
4. Get lost in an adventure.
Take the long way home or get lost on purpose. There's freedom in the wild, and a thrill when you find your way home again, both literally and metaphorically.
5. Take a well-deserved spa day.
It may sound cliché, but a spa day alone or with friends is a surefire way to feel truly pampered. It will also do wonders for your complexion. Or the smoothness of your skin. Or your gnarly feet.
6. Do something new with your hair.
Change is a good thing. Don't be afraid to take a risk with your looks and try something new, even if it means finally dying your hair that shade of red you've wanted to try since you were 13 years old.
7. Drink champagne, often.
Even the cheapest champagne (although not-so-stellar on the palate) can make any gal feel like a princess. Especially if you have fancy champagne glasses to go with the sparkly beverage.
8. Take a class or pick up a hobby.
Perhaps you've wanted to take a class in French cooking or finally learn how to throw on a pottery wheel. While your life is free of drama, it's time to expand your interests and your repertoire of knowledge.
9. Treat yourself to a luxurious bubble bath.
The movies may try to tell us that bubble baths are for romantic couple moments. But once you embrace just how awesome it is to light up some candles and take a bubble bath solo, you'll make it a weekly ritual.
10. Buy new lingerie or sheets.
Satin sheets and lacy underthings can make you feel sexy even if you're not seeing anyone. Just because you're single, it doesn't mean you shouldn't be wearing the cutest low-rise hip-hugger undies on the block.