I Caught My Husband Looking At Porn! What Do I Do?
The next steps you should take are very important, so pay attention.

It's a discovery that will flip your world upside down. You're browsing online trying to find that great site you'd been on the day before, when, to your horror, you find a bunch of naughty websites in your browser's recent history. You certainly weren't looking at porn... so that means your loved one was. How do you go about your day-to-day life when you know this about him or her? 7 Ways Porn Nearly Ruined My Marriage — And My Life
In this video, Spiritual Healing Expert and YourTango Expert Dr. Erica Goodstone helps a woman who is very upset to find out that her husband has been browsing for online porn. She thought she could handle it, but says that it's know "eating her up." Citing how discovering a porn obsession can often lead to divorce, Dr. Erica suggests a number of steps for her to take to broach the subject with her husband. Learn why taking the discussion outside for a long walk will increase your chances of having an honest conversation, and why attacking him or shaming him for his habit is not the best way to go.