From Vision To Reality
Living a life with Life, Love & Luxury in alignment is knowing how to make life happen on YOUR terms

Feel the anticipation and sense the wisdom. Have you participated in a debriefing? If not, hang on tight. Accountability is about to enter your life and forever change how you choose to participate in your beautiful First Class Female life.
A definition of debrief: to assess the results of an important mission
This mission: to allow your life to unfold as displayed on your vision board
The debrief: Are you realizing your dreams and visions you so carefully crafted at the beginning of 2011? And, how do you feel now that you are or are not accomplishing what you dreamed of achieving?
So, here you are just over half-way through 2011. And in acknowledging your movement and participation in your own life, how about the willingness to assess your progress in realizing your dreams?
That's right, a little accountability and what I promise you is this: when you are accountable to yourself, you instantly quiet the mind chatter. You relax into who you are and where you're going. Did you know that living in integrity means you're accountable to yourself? Quite the concept!
During January of this year, many of us put together our own beautiful and meaningful Vision Boards. Serving as a statement of where you wanted to go, your vision board had a job to do. And it was a simple job (simplicity is our best friend): to be the physical space that held your dreams to enhance YOU.
Are you willing to play with me? Let's go back into the dreamer in you. Remember, this dreamer isn't the silly little girl; she is a woman who knows her power to create even in those moments when she doesn't know HOW; she simply knows that her power is within.
As a Life Designer of First Class Females, my work with clients is magical as we co-create these visions while mapping out the cobblestone path to realization.
Take a once-over of your vision board and really look into the images and words, noticing the feeling behind what you asked of yourself. Close your eyes; what are you feeling when in those moments? What scents do you smell? What does your face look like? Who are you with? Open your eyes and take one more focused look at your vision board and be willing to debrief yourself, asking these questions:
- How do I feel toward my dreams and visions?
- Is fear tip toeing in and allowing my dreams to fade?
- What dreams am I making daily progress toward?
- For what dreams have I not yet developed a strategy in order to see them come true?
- Do I feel like giving up and just starting again next January?
Congratulations if you are realizing your dreams as you desired. That simply is luxurious.
And know too that if you've been sidetracked by life, as First Class Females we forgive ourselves and move forward. My key components to living a dream life filled with fun, passion and purpose (or as I like to say: Life, Love & Luxury in Alignment) is understanding the steps in order to make life happen on YOUR terms.
Very smart women become stuck, and then they say, "This is my time!" If your time is now, you can bring in your Private Expert Life Designer and at the very least set an intention that as of now, you choose YOU.
Debbie Ingle