Want To Know His Penis Size? Look At His Fingers!
You won't look at men the same way again.

Want to know how good sex with your new guy will be? Ladies, there's no need to get into his pants (or receive a naughty picture message) to learn how to find out his penis size.
We've put together a list of scientifically proven ways, traditional ways, and more modern ways to see if your guy's packing, from hands and feet to getting dirty.
Here's how to tell the size of a guy's package (penis size) without getting into his pants... well, maybe unzip a little.
1. Look at his fingers.
"It all has to do with the gap in length between a man's ring finger and index finger," said Korean researchers from Gachon University.
Believing that the "digit ratio" between those two fingers could predict penis size and length, the study, published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, measured the penises — while flaccid but stretched out — of 144 men.
For the curious, the length of a penis that's stretched out while flaccid is believed to correlate to its erect penis size. The fingers in question were also measured. The researchers found that a greater distance between the ring finger and index finger meant a longer shaft.
"According to our data... the shorter index finger than ring finger you have, the longer stretched penile length you have," Dr. Tae Beom Kim, study author and professor of urology at Gachon University, told Reuters.
Exposure to prenatal hormones may be to blame for this strange correlation. Previous studies have shown that high levels of testosterone are connected to a greater difference in the two lengths. Meanwhile, females — who are exposed to more estrogen in the womb — have fingers that are close to, if not the same, in length.
The size of his penis isn't all that finger length shows; men with mismatched finger lengths were previously found to have more masculine features and be more attractive to women. Now, perhaps, they'll be more attractive because of their presumably large package.
Of course, the science behind how to find out his penis size, based on the finger-penis relationship, currently only holds true for Korean men, but something tells us that with the discovery of such knowledge, women everywhere will be testing the theory in no time.
2. His foot size is important.
In all likelihood, you’ve heard this before, where people will comment that if a man has large feet, it means that he also has a big package. The larger the shoe size, the larger the penis... or so we thought.
Though there are studies that put an end to the myth and say that statistically there is no proven correlation between foot size and penis size, it doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. It's worth a try, right?
3. Note the size of his hands.
If you don't feel like looking at his feet, you can always look at his hands (which you should be doing regardless, to look for a wedding ring before investigating too far).
No scientific study supports this so far that we could find, but there is the finger thing (digit ratio) and, more than likely, if he has large fingers, he'll have big hands. You can connect the dots on your own.
4. Pay attention to how he is sitting down.
For a more simple way, without looking like a weirdo measuring fingers or staring at feet, you can look at the way a guy sits to tell a man's penis size.
Chances are if he has to sit a certain way, it could be that he's trying not to squish himself. If he has to sit with his legs spread out or can't exactly cross his legs, it could be that his penis is getting in the way.
Of course, this is just when the penis is flaccid. So, if a guy can sit comfortably with no restrictions, he could still be a "grower" when things get heated.
5. The longer the nose, the bigger the tell.
To find out if your guy has a big penis, just look at his face. This isn't scientifically proven, but it's a tradition that has been around for centuries.
People believe that there is a relationship between the size (or rather, length) of their nose and how big their penis is. This is why women have been drawn to men who have long "Roman" noses throughout history because, biologically, they believe these men are well-endowed with a better capability for procreation.
So big nose, big penis... or not.
Of, course it isn't always true, so nose size should be taken with a grain of salt. At least when you take this route, he won't suspect anything!
6. Calculate the digit ratio between his pinky and his thumb.
You tell the size of a man by his thumb, but not just that. Digit ratios are very accurate when it comes to sizing a guy's penis length.
For this specific ratio, have your man tuck all of his fingers down except for his pinky and thumb. Then, measure diagonally from the tip of his thumb to the tip of his pinky. This should give you the size of his penis.
Happy measuring!
7. Observe how he walks.
Usually, when a guy has a larger penis he'll have to make accommodations for it when he walks. Therefore, he may have a slight saunter to him in his stride.
So take a walk and glance down every once in a while to see what he does. Try not to get caught, though — that'd be awkward to explain.
8. Notice his attitude, or "big d*ck energy".
This one is obviously subjective, but a guy's attitude or temperament can be a sign of how big or small his penis is.
A well-endowed guy is humble but also confident. They don't feel the need to brag all the time to do things to overcompensate. They are also comfortable with themselves making them carry themselves with confidence.
That's confidence, not cockiness. Big difference.
9. Take his height into consideration.
Do short guys have smaller packages? According to science, they do. Sorry, guys!
In a study of 3,300 Italian men, researchers found that height was correlated to having a larger penis. That is, the taller he is, the bigger his penis may be.
Height as a predictor of penis size was also supported in the results of the more than 25,000 men profiled in an MSNBC/Elle.com survey.
"Compared to men of average height, significantly more guys who were shorter than five feet, eight inches reported small penises, and significantly more men who were taller than six feet reported large penises," the study concluded.
10. See for yourself.
If all else fails, just go for it — with consent, of course. The best way to find out his penis size is to see it for yourself. So, if you're dying to know, get down and dirty.
Or you could just ask, or measure it yourself, of course.
How to properly measure penis size: Using soft/flexible measuring tape or a plastic ruler, measure the length from the base of the penis at the pubic bone (gently press until you feel the bone through the skin) to the very tip.
No matter the length of his penis or the size of his package, remember that in the end, size doesn't matter.
Whatever his size is, you shouldn't stop seeing him, especially when you realize that only about 15 percent of all men have a penis larger than 7 inches, and just 2 percent are bigger than 8 inches. Also, the average depth of a vagina is 4-to-6 inches, so a larger penis in length and girth may actually hurt.
If the size of his penis means more to you than how he treats you or how you feel about him, you should look at how big your own ego is. You aren't dating his penis; you're dating him. He matters, not the size of his package.
Of course, if he doesn't know how to use it, you may need to have a sit-down with him.
Kait Smith is an editor, writer, social media manager, reader, traveler, and content strategist at Babson College. Visit her website or Twitter for more.