April Astrology: Brace Your Love Life For Less Talk, More Action
The sun in Aries from March 20 through April 20 springs love out of its daydream and into action.

Happy Astrological New Year!
On March 20, the Sun moved into Aries, where it will stay until April 20. This movement marked both the first day of spring and the first day of the astrological year. Out with the old and in with new!
For the past month, we have been dealing with dreamy Piscean energy. Pisces helps us escape the dark days of winter by setting our imaginations free, even if that means disconnecting from living in the thick of reality. It's now time to stop navel-gazing and daydreaming—the call to action is at hand!
As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so there is always a joyous exuberance whenever the Sun transits this sign. Aries is the eternal child, and this period will be filled with an innocent playfulness that blazes new trails by throwing caution to the wind. Aries has a boldness, curiosity and supremely charming self-confidence that we can all tap into—especially in love! They don't call it Spring Fever for nothing. Use this month to move on from stale situations and get involved with something new; the Aries Sun will be more than happy to come to your aid.
Related: 7 Signs He May Have Spring Fever
Aries is also the sign that rules courage and war, and the ability to fight for what you want. The ruler of Aries, Mars, will also enter this sign in April, setting us on Aries overdrive. This explosive energy will plant the seeds for personal revolutions. Don't be surprised if there are many breakups of long-term, broken-down romances; life is too short to waste it on someone who brings you down and hems you in. It's time to channel your inner Che Guevara and fight for the life and love you want.
The best night for a date is when romantic Venus energy combines with Neptune’s dreamy compassion on March 27.
Shake up the status quo on March 28. The principles of identity and society, as well as expansion and contraction, are at major odds today. This energy is pushing us all to topple old regimes and start from scratch. It's time to take back your freedom from emotional tyrants. Other great dates to take action and fight for your rights are April 11 and 18, when new ideas will help you get rid of the confining cobwebs in your life.
Prepare for crossed-wires: Mercury will be retrograde from March 30 until April 23. During this time, you may have to deal with a lot unforeseen glitches and your best-made plans may go to waste. Computers may crash, so back things up! Travel may be chaotic, so remember it's the journey not the destination that matters. It's best not to launch new projects at this time, but instead concentrate on getting old work done. It's also a good time to get back in touch with the one who got away...
Lose yourself in love. The Sun in Aries promises both explosive passion and sweet romance, while dreamy Neptune and romantic Venus move into amorous Pisces. This will be a very powerful time to fall in love, the old-fashioned way. Pretend you are starring in a movie from the 1930s and allow yourself to be swept away into something epic and grand.
Love conquers all on April 2. This is a good day to take the risk and profess how you truly feel, and you may be surprised that the object of your affection feels likewise.
Go after your dreams on April 3 with the New Moon and other powerful alignments on your side. This is an amazing energy when you can shake it all up to pursue new dreams. Forget about the Judgmental Judys surrounding you and go after what you want in life and love. The actions you take on this first New Moon of the astrological year will come to fruition over the next twelve months, so plant the seeds now.
Expand your horizons on April 6 when the energy of the sun and Jupiter combine. This is great day to think outside the box, be creative and daring, take risks and grow intellectually as well as spiritually. If you look beyond your normal, closed circle of friends, you may even find a fascinating someone with whom to explore the world.
Don't let fear get you down on April 10. ON this day there is a Lunar Grand Cross pitting the Moon, Pluto, Mars, Uranus and Saturn against each other. Exhausted by all the renegade energy this month, you may want to do nothing more than hide out in your shell. Just remember, the anxiety and panic you feel will pass quite quickly.
Sometimes the greatest action you can take is just letting go. Saturn, the planet of limits, opposes aggressive Mars during the Full Moon's conclusive energy on April 18. This is a good day to escape stagnation and dead-end relationships, not through fighting, but by simply walking away. Sometimes it's best to just put the keys in the mailbox and move on from your losses with no regrets—the horizons this month are too expansive to be boxed in any longer.