Why Men Scientifically Love Christmas Way More Than Women Do
How men and women are affected differently during the holidays.

There's no other time like the holidays to examine your life and how lucky you are to be surrounded by friends and family. But depending on whether you're a man or a woman, you may be more into the holiday season.
Do you know why men love Christmas more than women? Well, you might as well take a look at your relationship with your significant other and see just what makes you click.
We're not suggesting you sit down and have a deep, intense one-on-one under the mistletoe, but make a game out of it instead.
Because when it comes to the Christmas spirit, not everyone is always on board, and it can have an impact on your relationship.
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research conducted a 2006 study about men and women during the holidays and their stress levels.
In the name of holidays and all things merry, we have put together statistics comparing how men and women view certain aspects of the holidays differently.
It turns out that men are quite laid-back, whereas women are far more concerned with hosting, cleaning, and overall expectations of the holidays.
Just ask your partner and yourself a question, then compare the results to see exactly where the two of you fall on different subjects, concerns, and topics as important as religion, and as light-hearted as how much you love Christmas.
Here are a few more things the study found about men and women during the holiday season.
Why men scientifically love Christmas way more than women do:
1. Men are worried about less
People are worried about the holidays, with a thirty-eight percent increase in stress when it comes to planning the holidays. However, most people, fifty-four percent, say they feel no difference in the amount of stress they experience.
Unfortunately, it's women who carry the bunt of the worry during the holiday season with forty-four percent of women reporting an increase of stress during the holidays versus only thirty-one percent of men.
Women say they have a harder time relaxing during the holidays because they are more likely to take on all of the tasks associated with family celebrations, such as shopping, cooking, and cleaning.
Yes, women have found stress in "cleaning."
Men, you really don't stress out about the holidays, do you?
2. Women and men have different holiday stressors.
Both men and women feel an obligation to their families during the holidays.
Half of men, forty-nine percent, and fifty-one percent of women strongly agree that they must make sure everyone in their family is happy during these times.
However, when it comes to family obligations both genders are different.
Women report that they are much more likely to shoulder the work burden. During Thanksgiving, women are twice as likely to cook, sixty-six percent of women vs only thirty-five percent of men, shop for food, fifty-two percent of women vs thirty-two percent of men, and clean dirty dishes with seventy percent of women doing them compared to only forty-one percent of men.
What are men stressed about? Watching football, with forty-six percent of men choosing to watch them on the holidays vs only twenty-six percent of women.
3. Men are less stressed than women
Men are far more likely to relax during the holidays than women are. Forty-one percent of men feel like they can relax during the holidays while only twenty-seven percent of women feel that way.
4. Everyone loves the holidays
Despite all the stressors of the holidays, many people report that they look forward to the holiday season.
During the holidays, people report many positive emotions such as happiness, with seventy-eight percent feeling it often), love, with seventy-five percent reporting they feel it often during the holidays), and sixty percent reporting being in high spirits.
Look at that, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Valentine's Day!
It is important to notice how a lot of the hosting and entertaining weight is put on the woman's plate. Maybe we can fix that next year?
The statistics continue, and although not every possible holiday-related issue is covered, it's interesting to see these findings and apply them to your relationship.
Knowledge is power, and, in the end, it will only make you closer.
Amanda Chatel is an essayist and intimacy health writer for Yourtango, Shape Magazine, Hello Giggles, Glamour, and Harper's Bazaar.