THIS Is The Kiss Of Death For Relationships
Find out the real poison before it gets to you and your partner. Hint: it's not cheating!

What are the signs that your relationship is in trouble? How do you save a crumbling connection? If you've been searching for the real reason that your relationship is beginning to fall apart after everything seemed to be going so well, this relationship advice is just what you need.
After hearing relationship coach Sherry Amatenstein reveal the signs that your love is beginning to end, we couldn't be more surprised by the truth. It's crazy to hear that the kiss of death for relationships doesn't necessarily have anything to do with cheating! Many couples seem to be in a continuous argument. Can you truly love someone if you are constantly arguing? In order to end the fighting you must put aside your pride for the sake of the relationship. Which is more important to you: Being happy and moving further in the relationship or winning the argument? If winning is more important, then maybe it is time to end things and go your separate ways. If you truly care about the person, you have to figure out a compromise so you can go back to being a happy couple. It's important to take notice of the things you do that affect your relationship and change your ways so it can last.