When It Comes To Spooning, Is Big Or Little Best?
Being the little spoon isn't just for ladies. Plus, the perfect sex move for spooning.

Are you the big spoon or little spoon when sleeping with your partner?
It's commonly assumed that women prefer being the little spoon because they want to feel safe and protected. But many say they also have a need to hug something while sleeping — perhaps as a result of years of sleeping with stuffed animals, but I won't assume anything!
Also, what if you get a back itch or feel all claustrophobic? Nice to switch it up sometimes. I read "Sex Tips: The Perfect Move For Couples Who Love Spooning" and it inspired me to query my co-workers: What do you think of reverse spooning? Here are the interesting bits of our convo, transcribed for your enjoyment:
Natalie: I would like everyone's opinions on reverse spooning, as it's something that's not addressed enough on this site.
Natalie: YOU DID?? SHOW ME!!!
Tom: "I'm A Straight, Nonsubmissive Guy And I Love Being Spooned"
Natalie: I love it. Always been fascinated with this.
Tom: Not all the time.
Natalie: Yes, we understand.
Jessica: My guy HATES being the little spoon.
Natalie: It's good like once in a blue moon, I feel. But otherwise, you just feel, the opposite of emasculated — e-feminated?
Tom: En-masculated?
Jessica: Yeah, and not to mention, my arms aren't big enough to properly spoon.
Natalie: But I think it also depends on the relationship dynamic.
Tom: I go both ways. Depends on if I'm feeling like a top or bottom.
Kyla: I think it depends on the person, sometimes the little spoon gets locked in and you can't get up and move around (or leave) when you want to because they are passed out and won't move! ... Maybe that's just me; I say being big spoon has its advantages.
Krissy: Agreed, I can breathe better as big spoon.
Jessica: Funny how this spooning thing can be an issue, but you never hear a guy complaining about "cowgirl." Maybe it has something to do with the cuddling aspect?
Krissy: You mean the domination/who's in charge thing?
Jessica: Yeah .
Tom: I also used to like to sleep facing the wall, and this was the only way for contact.
Jessica: Sometimes I'm the runaway spoon. I don't like to be restricted when I sleep. I move A LOT.
Faye: I love spooning every which way! Haha.
Krissy: Sometimes I'm the runaway spoon too, inside or outside. If I'm being cuddled, it's tough for me to concentrate on sleeping!
Tom: Have you tried: "Listen, I like you. A LOT. But I'm going to be an absolute bear if I don't get some sleep. At some point in the morning, I will molest you, rest assured."
Are you the big spoon, little spoon or runaway spoon? Or maybe a little bit of each?
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