Is David Burtka A Deadbeat Dad?
Before meeting Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka was already a surrogate dad to a set of twins.

Neil Patrick Harris may be eagerly counting down the days until hebecomes a first time dad, but, for his partner David Burtka, theanticipation of the arrival of their twins, who will be born to asurrogate mother, may be of the déjà vu variety.
According to Star Magazine, David is already a dad to 10-year-old twins,Flynn and Javin, who live with their other dad and David's ex, filmproducer Lane Janger. The couple had the twins via a surrogate mother in2000, but broke-up in 2004, and, now, claims the magazine, David rarelyever sees the kids, even though they all live in LA. Neil Patrick Harris & Partner Expecting Twins
"David doesn't see that much of the children, especially since he's been with Neil. He chats with both of them on the phone and sends them presents on their birthdays," said an insider.
Weirdly enough, Neil and David are even using the same surrogate agency that David and Lane used almost 10 years ago.
“It was actually David who suggested it," added the insider. Neil Patrick Harris To Be A Stay-At-Home Dad?
Although we don't know the full story of David and Lane's break-up orwhat their custody agreement is, as points out, if thiswas a heterosexual baby drama situation, David could be accused of beinga deadbeat dad. How could he be there for the first 4 years of thosechildren's lives and then just walk-away and start a new family withsomeone else? Presents and the occasional phone call do not a relationship (or parent) make.
And what if he and NPH break-up? Will he just abandon these new kids too?
Photo Credit: INF
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