10 Ridiculous Jersey Shore Love Quotes
Love quotes from your favorite Jersey Shore characters.

The cast of MTV's Jersey Shore certainly don't mind sharing their own opinions with the world, especially when it comes to love, dating and sex. Whether it's Mike, "The Situation", giving a short monologue about why everyone should love him, or Snooki offering her standards when it comes to choosing a man, this bunch is infamous for their ridiculous quotes. So here, for your personal entertainment, are a few of our favorite love quotes from the guidos and guidettes on MTV's Jersey Shore.
1. The Situation on being attractive: "Everybody loves me, babies, dogs, ya know, hot girls, cougars. I just have unbelievable mass appeal."
2. JWoww on her type of guy: "Tall, completely jacked, steroids, like multiple growth hormones. That's, like, the type that I'm attracted to."
3. Snooki on finding Mr. Right: "My ultimate dream is to move to Jersey, find a nice, juiced, hot, tan guy and live my life."
4. Sammi on when you should get physical: "Yes, I had sex. Like hello, you're gonna have sex if you're into somebody. It's natural."
Quiz: Which 'Jersey Shore' Character Are You?
5. Vinny on dating standards: "My uncles want me to just come here and bang everything, but I kinda want better quality girls."
6. Vinny on said "quality girls": "If I'm there for 60 days and I keep hittin' it… Sixty different girls, if there's ever a night I can't get one, I'll just double-up the next night."
7. JWoww on post-coital cuddling: "I am like a praying mantis. After I have sex with a guy I will rip their head off."
8. The Situation on his life's work: "I'm hooking up with this girl, your girl's girl, and your girlfriend's girlfriend's girlfriend. Somebody's gotta do it."
9. Snookie on lady-luv: "Guys are douchebags and I hate them all. They don't know how to deal with women and I feel that's why the lesbian rate is going up in this country."
10. Ronnie on Jersey Shore romance: "Never fall in love at the Jersey Shore."
Ain't love grand?