5 Steps To Sexy Mad Men Eye Makeup
How to master the sexy cat eye look from Mad Men.

The Mad Men-inspired eye makeup look can be tough to pull off without a steady hand, a healthy dose of patience, and a lot of practice. Well, we practiced and practiced, so grab your makeup bag, get yourself in front of a mirror, and follow along with these steps for the perfect cat eye:
1. Gather your tools: liquid eyeliner, a magnified mirror, a Q-Tip soaked in eye makeup remover, mascara and an eyelash curler. When you're choosing a liquid eyeliner, keep in mind that the shorter the handle, the easier it'll be for you to steady your hand as your line your eyes. And stick with basic black or dark brown: the cat eye is already a dramatic look, so bright colors will only take it over the top. Sexy, Smoky Eyes: 6 Seductive Looks
2. Start by curling your lashes. We usually leave this step for last, but wielding a curler near freshly-applied liquid liner is a recipe for disaster.
3. Get up close and personal with a hands-free magnifying mirror, and with your eyes open, start lining! Putting your elbow on the table can help steady a shaky hand, but scrap it if it feels awkward. Start with the inside corner of your eye, touching the eyeliner lightly to your lashline and moving outward with a steady pace and pressure. Stay as close to the lashline as possible, even if it gives you a barely-there thin line. You can always go back and fatten it up. 5 Hair, Nail And Makeup Tips From A Guy
4. When you reach the outer edge of your eye, flick your wrist slightly, extending the line and thickening it as you move up towards your temple. Don't hesitate; this will give you a bumpy line. Have your makeup-remover soaked Q-tip at the ready to do cleanup if you extend the line too far.
5. Repeat steps #1-4 on your other eye, add a couple of coats of mascara on your curled lashes and you're done! Check out the final look in a normal mirror, not just your magnified one, and wipe off any wayward flex of liquid liner with a Q-tip. 4 Green Date Night Beauty Products
Best enjoyed with a stiff drink.
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