5 Dating Tips From The Millionaire Matchmaker
The Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger's no-nonsense dating tips.

Last night on Patti Stanger's The Millionaire Matchmaker, we met a new millionaire, Mateo, and a former player/millionaire from last season, Jimmy D. Mateo, is an older man and "original Microsoft millionaire" who literally whipped out an extensive list of all the required attributes he wanted in his future wife. Jimmy D. is a Chicago nightclub owner, who preferred clubbing to commitment last season.
Jimmy D. swore up and down that he was ready for a real, deep woman (and for once, he wasn't talking about her cleavage). After a near-death experience (he was beaten and lost…an eyelid?) he was ready to find real love. Mateo vowed that the most important thing to him was his woman's religion; he wanted to raise a Christian family.
What did both guys do at the mixer? The exact opposite of what they said! Jimmy D. chose, in Patti's words, a "bimbo drunk-a-poo" named Angel. He took her out on the town, but she smelled of alcohol, disappeared for hours before dinner, and when he ended the date, tried to talk him into giving her a hundred-thousand dollars they'd won earlier in a poker game. Turns out she was a fallen Angel, and not too smart, either.
Mateo fell for Andrea, a Millionaire's Club crasher who was hot, boobalicious…and Jewish! Patti warned both Andrea and Mateo that their religions weren't compatible. They went on a date anyway, but as soon as the religion topic came up, an awkward silence descended. They are now "just friends."
So what are we to learn from this week's episode? Here are five dating tips from The Millionaire Matchmaker…in Patti's own words:
1. "Monogamy first, before sex."
2. "We're not just gonna pick with our penis." [We'll add: or clitoris]
3. "You can't be so rigid with a list [of desired traits], because people come in all shapes and sizes, and chemistry is indefinable."
4. "It's so sad that religion is a deal breaker in most people's lives, but that's the hard fact of reality."
5. "Get rid of the blue eye shadow!"
Readers, do you agree with Patti's dating advice? Is religion a deal-breaker for you? And does anyone still wear pastel blue eye shadow?